Research centre REACH

Pemberdayaan perempuan dan kunjungan Antenatal Care, analisis survei kesehatan demografis di lima negara Asia Tenggara

Susy Katikana Sebayang, Ferry Efendi & Erni Astutik
To cite this article: Susy Katikana Sebayang, Ferry Efendi & Erni Astutik (2019): Women’s
empowerment and the use of antenatal care services: analysis of demographic health surveys in
five Southeast Asian countries, Women & Health, DOI: 10.1080/03630242.2019.1593282
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ABSTRAKPemberdayaan wanita dan penggunaan layanan antenatal care (ANC) tetap penting di Asosiasi Bangsa Bangsa Asia Tenggara (ASEAN). Studi ini mengkaji hubungan antara pemberdayaan perempuan dan penggunaan ANC di lima negara ASEAN. Informasi ANC untuk kelahiran terbaru dari 29.444 wanita yang saat ini menikah dalam 5 tahun terakhir sebelum Survei Kesehatan Demografi dianalisis (Kamboja [DHS2014], Indonesia [DHS2012], Myanmar [DHS2015-2016], Filipina [DHS2013], dan Timor- Leste. Leste [DHS2009]). Analisis menggunakan regresi logistik berganda menyesuaikan untuk desain pengambilan sampel yang kompleks. Jumlah kunjungan ANC secara positif terkait dengan partisipasi angkatan kerja di Kamboja, Filipina, dan Timor-Leste; dengan ketidaksepakatan dengan pembenaran untuk pemukulan istri dan tingkat pengetahuan wanita di Kamboja, Indonesia, Myanmar; dan dengan kekuatan pengambilan keputusan perempuan di Kamboja dan Indonesia. Hubungan variabel pemberdayaan perempuan dengan waktu kunjungan ANC pertama tidak sejelas dengan jumlah kunjungan ANC. Dibandingkan dengan ibu dewasa, ibu remaja dengan tingkat pengetahuan sedang memiliki peluang lebih kecil untuk menghadiri ?4 ANC di Kamboja, dan ibu remaja dengan partisipasi angkatan kerja yang paling miskin memiliki peluang lebih rendah untuk menghadiri ANC pertama di awal Myanmar. Kebijakan yang disesuaikan tentang peningkatan akses perempuan ke angkatan kerja dan informasi kesehatan di setiap negara mungkin diperlukan untuk meningkatkan penggunaan ANC.

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Kesempatan bekerja sebagai perawat di belanda


The shortage of well-educated health personnel in the Netherlands is currently an enormous problem. Since this problem will not automatically be solved in the coming years because of the aging population, a solution has to be found now. This is where Yomema, member of T&S Care, comes in.
Yomema, before T&S Care, is specialised in recruiting and training health care employee’s for the Dutch market. We collaborate with a diversity of healthcare institutions, hospitals and recruitment agencies to recruit the desired personnel. We ensure that the candidates are well integrated in the Netherlands. To make the integration process run smoothly, we offer a language course that trains the candidates until language level B1. In the language course lessons about the Dutch culture are included. Also an internship including a reimbursement is provided. During the whole process we ensure the candidates will feel welcome and everything necessary is arranged and paid, such as housing, transport, et cetera.
In conclusion, we offer a thorough, recognized training program for medical nurses with a master degree, which results in a certified Dutch diploma. The young professionals will be employed by a permanent contract with a hospital or healthcare institution.
So what we try to do is the following: we try to find a way to get these medical nurses with a master degree from Indonesia to the Netherlands. We hope to receive all cooperation to put these nurses to work in the Netherlands. Contact person: Marieke, with email is and Leon


More information please refer below:

[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”More specific information process Yomema 2-4.pdf” icon=”” width=”100%” height=”400″ style=”embed”][google-drive-embed url=”” title=”More specific information process Yomema 2-4.pdf” icon=”” width=”100%” height=”400″ style=”embed”]

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