Research Center REACH

Google Policy Fellowship

Are you an Indonesian academic (lecturer, researcher or student) undergraduate (S1), postgraduate (S2) or doctoral (S3) who is passionate about the dynamic of Internet as a new media in Indonesia? If so, then it is you who we expect to apply as Indonesian Google Policy Fellow hosted by ICT Watch.

Indonesian Google Policy Fellowship offers an opportunity for academic in Indonesia to apply for fellow and doing research about Internet policy in Indonesia with freedom of expression and civic participatory as the main context. One selected candidate will conduct in full-time activities as a fellow at ICT Watch, with total duration of 10 (ten) weeks for 2 (two) terms.

Sponsored by Google, the policy fellow will be awarded a stipend of approx. IDR (Rp) 68 million (US$ 7,500).

Potential topics may be researched (but are certainly not limited to):

Freedom of Expression: Protecting freedom of expression from censorship, and championing the right of individuals to communicate, publish and obtain information based on net neutrality, online public participatory as well as citizen journalism.
Human Rights: Working to promote democratic values, pluralism, accessibility and human rights in the national online medium.
Internet Safety: Supporting in all activities pertaining to the Internet Sehat program such as online privacy and security, cyber bullying, cyber crime, etc
Open Government: Promoting the public’s right to know about information collected, disseminated and maintained by the government in order to increase accountability, transparency and public awareness.
ICT for Women & SME: Developing, promoting and supporting program and content to improve ICT skill for women and small-medium enterprise, so the can empower themselves
Drafting, creating and updating: website/online FAQs, white papers and any relevant content through some possible mediums / channels / resources for such issues above.

We are accepting applications for the position before May 15, 2012 only via email google.fellowship[at] All subject email must use format: “your latest education (S1/S2/S3) – name of the city you live in – topic of research“. Example: “S1 – Sumbawa – Internet Safety”

Please to include the following documents (all must be written in English):

Research Proposal (PDF only, max 2 pages): contains background about the case, the problem to be studied, the design of process / activities to be taken, outputs and outcomes to be gained from these studies as well as the target of dissemination / distribution of the research result (hardcopy/softcopy and/or online/offline)
Curriculum Vitae (PDF only, max 2 pages)
Copy/scanned of the formal education certificate(s) start from undergraduate to the latest one (max total 250KB)
Proof of Experiences, such as:
Short description about academic, professional, research and/or extracurricular experiences (PDF only, max 2 pages)
Reference letters from 2-3 prominent and competent persons (PDF only, max 1 pages for each reference)
Statement Letter of the availability for full-time and 10 (ten) weeks activity at ICT Watch during the fellowship period (PDF only, max 1 pages). Please check “information dates” bellow for preparing your schedule
Copy/scanned of up to 3 the latest article(s) published at academic journal and / or at national printed media (newspaper or magazine), if any (max total 250KB).

Important Dates

April 20, 2012: Announcement of Indonesian Google Policy Fellowship Program will begin via web, Facebook, Twitter and mailing-list.
May 15, 2012: Fellowship application deadline, applications must be received by midnight GMT +7 (WIB). After that, the experts panel formed by ICT Watch will be shortlisting and inviting the best candidates to be interviewed by the panel.
June 15, 2012: Fellow applicants are notified of the final status of their applications via this webpage only!
July (Week I) 2012 – August (Week II) 2012: Term 1, fellow start his / her fellowship activities for 6 (six) weeks with ICT Watch at Jakarta. Start and end date to be determined by fellow and ICT Watch.
August (Week III) 2012 – January (Week II) 2013: Break session, fellow may conduct his / her origin daily activities including to return to the domicile of origin. Alternatively, fellow can used this moment to conduct in-depth research (field study, literature study, etc.) remotely. This session is also for mid-term evaluation by the panel.
January (Week III) 2013 – August (Week II) 2013: Term 2, fellow continue his / her activities for the next 4 (four) weeks with ICT Watch at Jakarta. Start and end date to be determined by fellow and ICT Watch.
August (Week IV) 2013: Fellow submit draft of final research report and the panel will evaluate it and give some necessary suggestions.
September 2013: Final research report will be delivered by fellow to ICT Watch
October 2013: Fellowship program report will be delivered by ICT Watch to Google

Thank you.

ICT Watch



Departemen Kesehatan RI membuka kesempatan bagi Perawat Indonesia untuk bekerja sebagai Perawat di Jepang sebagai realisasi dari kesepakatan G to G dalam kerangka IJEPA (Indonesia Japan Economic Partnership Agreement). Kontrak kerja selama 3 (tahun). Total kuota 400 perawat (untuk tahun 2008-2009)

Angkatan I tahun 2008 berjumlah 104 orang perawat Indonesia telah tiba di Jepang pada tanggal 8 Agustus 2008 dan saat ini sedang mengikuti pelatihan bahasa dan budaya Jepang. Status sementara: candidate nurse .Selama masa kontrak kerja 3 tahun di Jepang para candidat nurse berhak mengikuti ujian RN Jepang (Kangoshi) yang diselenggarakan 1x setahun setiap bulan Februari. Bila lulus ujian maka berhak bekerja sebagai nurse dan kontrak kerjanya akan diperbaharui oleh pihak RS tempatnya bekerja.

Angkatan II direncanakan terpilih 296 perawat untuk ditempatkan ke Jepang tahun 2009. Pendaftaran: sampai dengan 14 Maret 2009 di:

PUSPRONAKES LN DEPKES RI Jln. Wijaya Kusuma Raya No. 48 Cilandak Jakarta Selatan 12430 Telp 021-75914747 (pswt 115,117, 112 dan 102), Fax 021-75914740 Website :, e-mail :,


1. Perawat Indonesia, laki-laki dan wanita, usia 23-35 tahun, lulusan D3, D4 dan S1 Keperawatan (Ners) dengan pengalaman kerja di RS sebagai perawat minimal 2 tahun.

2. Good performance (bagi wanita tidak dalam keadaan hamil, bagi pria tidak bertindik dan baik pria & wanita tidak boleh bertato).

3. Berkas yang diperlukan untuk seleksi (berkas rangkap dua dimasukkan dalam map biru) :

a.Fotocopy ijazah dan transkrip nilai akademik yang sudah dilegalisir dalam bhs Indonesia & terjemahan asli dan fotocopy dalam bhs Inggris (dari institusi tempat bekerja/penterjemah resmi).
b.Fotocopy surat keterangan pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun dalam bhs Indonesia & terjemahan dalam bhs Inggris (dari institusi tempat bekerja/penterjemah resmi).
c.Fotocopy KTP dan fotocopy paspor yang masih berlaku sekurang-kurangnya 1(satu) tahun (bila ada).
d.Asli Kartu Pencari kerja AK-1/Kartu kuning atau fotocopy yang dilegalisir dari Disnakertrans setempat.
e.Asli Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian(SKCK)
f.Surat asli ijin dari orang tua/wali/suami/istri diketahui oleh Lurah/Kepala Desa dengan meterai Rp.6000.
g.Pasfoto berwarna dengan latar belakang biru ukuran 3x4cm= 6 lembar.
h.Bagi yang masih kerja, mendapatkan izin tertulis dari pimpinan instansi yang berwenang.
i.Mengisi ‘surat pernyataan tidak akan mengundurkan diri’ setelah dinyatakan lulus dalam seleksi penempatan perawat Indonesia ke Jepang.
j.Mengisi Formulir 5 dan biodata peserta di tempat pendaftaran.

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