Research Center REACH


Dear colleagues,

Diponegoro University’s School of Nursing, in cooperation with School of Health Sciences of Muhammadiyah Gombong is very pleased to invite applications to the Second Java International Nursing Conference (JINC) on theme ‘‘East Meets West on Holistic Nursing’. This event will be held on 6 – 7 November 2012 at the university auditorium of Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia.

This two-day scientific forum focuses on topics of nursing philosophical and theoretical development, complementary and alternative therapy, cultural diversity in nursing care process, holistic nursing in nursing education, holistic nursing policies, nursing management, nursing intervention, spirituality in nursing care and holistic nursing application in clinical setting.

This conference provides you opportunities to share your research works, to develop your professional networks, to learn from other colleagues and to meet leading personalities in nursing and health. You are also encouraged to submit abstracts of completed researches for oral or poster presentation in accordance with the conference theme.

The registration fee is IDR 600.000 – 900.000 (for local participants from students to general category) and US$ 115 (before September 29, 2012) – US$ 125 (after September 29, 2012) for overseas participants. The fee includes conference materials and kits including bag, snacks and meals, proceeding (CD), and access to all conference programs including gala dinner and cultural night performance.

The committee of JINC 2012 hereby invites all interested participants across the globe and receives your accomplished abstract and application from until September 3, 2012.

For more details, please visit the conference official website at or feel free to send an email to us at any time. Please find as well in the attachment information about our conference.

See you at the conference in Semarang, Indonesia..

Kind regards,

Asih Nurakhir

Member of JINC 2012 organizing committee
School of Nursing Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University
Jl. Prof. H. Soedarto, SH, Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
Tel. 6224-76480919, Fax. 6224-76486849, website :
Email: or

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