Research centre REACH

When the Nurse Wants to Be Called ‘Doctor’
NASHVILLE — With pain in her right ear, Sue Cassidy went to a clinic. The doctor, wearing a white lab coat with a stethoscope in one pocket, introduced herself.
“Hi. I’m Dr. Patti McCarver, and I’m your nurse,” she said. And with that, Dr. McCarver stuck a scope in Ms. Cassidy’s ear, noticed a buildup of fluid and prescribed an allergy medicine.

It was something that will become increasingly routine for patients: a someone who is not a physician using the title of doctor.

Dr. McCarver calls herself a doctor because she returned to school to earn a doctorate last year, one of thousands of nurses doing the same recently. Doctorates are popping up all over the health professions, and the result is a quiet battle over not only the title “doctor,” but also the money, power and prestige that often comes with it.

As more nurses, pharmacists and physical therapists claim this honorific, physicians are fighting back. For nurses, getting doctorates can help them land a top administrative job at a hospital, improve their standing at a university and win them more respect from colleagues and patients. But so far, the new degrees have not brought higher fees from insurers for seeing patients or greater authority from states to prescribe medicines.

Nursing leaders say that their push to have more nurses earn doctorates has nothing to do with their fight of several decades in state legislatures to give nurses more autonomy, money and prescriptive power.

But many physicians are suspicious and say that once tens of thousands of nurses have doctorates, they will invariably seek more prescribing authority and more money. Otherwise, they ask, what is the point?

Dr. Roland Goertz, the board chairman of the American Academy of Family Physicians, says that physicians are worried that losing control over “doctor,” a word that has defined their profession for centuries, will be followed by the loss of control over the profession itself. He said that patients could be confused about the roles of various health professionals who all call themselves doctors. Continue reading “When the Nurse Wants to Be Called ‘Doctor’”


Malam itu perbincangan singkat namun mengena sekali, bagaimana memadukan dunia ilmu keperawatan dan teknologi informasi. Berawal dari bincang-bincang singkat dengan Kemal. yang menyarankan untuk mengoptimasi situs ini dengan beberapa strategi, sehingga tidak hanya keyword english yang menang tetapi yang berbahasa Indonesia juga seperti misalnya keperawatan, ilmu keperawatan, asuhan keperawatan maupun kata kunci keperawatan yang lain.
Setelah mengklik dan memasukkan keyword keperawatan maka yang menduduki peringkat sebagai berikut:
Keperawatan merupakan suatu profesi yang difokuskan pada perawatan individu, keluarga, dan komunitas dalam mencapai, memelihara, dan menyembuhkan ……..(wikipedia)
Sebagai Universitas yang tanggap terhadap tingginya tuntunan masyarakat akan pelayanan keperawatan profesional, sejak 1985 UI telah mengembangkan…………… (FIK UI)
Pelayanan Keperawatan di masa mendatang harus dapat memberikan Consumer Minded terhadap pelayanan yang diterima. Implikasi pelayanan keperawatan … (Blog keperawatan
Keperawatan Medikal bedah dan Kritis, Keperawatan Maternitas dan Anak, dan … terintegrasi ke dalam bidang kelompok ilmu keperawatan dasar dan medikal … (Unair)
Blog Keperawatan Indonesia awalnya iseng kubuat untuk menyalurkan beberapa artikel keperawatan yang numpuk di drive pc ku. Setelah …yang numpuk di drive pc ku. Setelah …
Thanks Kemal untuk sharing ilmunya.

Monitoring dan Evaluasi Tenaga Kerja Kesehatan Indonesia (TKKI)

Kementerian Kesehatan melalui BPPSDM Kesehatan melakukan kegiatan penyusunan monev TKKI yang dilakukan di Bandung mulai tanggal 28 November sampai dengan 1 Desember 2011. Selain monev TKKI, pertemuan ini juga membahas tentang International Code of Practice migrasi tenaga kesehatan. Seperti kita ketahui bersama, isu migrasi menjadi isu utama di dunia kesehatan terutama dengan dibukanya kran pengiriman perawat ke Jepang. Adanya global code ini diharapkan bisa memberikan mutual benefit bagi negara pengirim maupun penerima. Output dari pertemuan ini adalah tersusunnya pedoman monev yang bisa digunakan bagi tenaga kesehatan yang bekerja di luar negeri.

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