Research Center REACH

Prof Gina Awoko Higginbottom MBE, Emeritus Professor of Ethnicity and Community Health, School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham.

Prof. Gina Awoko Higginbottom, appointed as the first Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) nurse professor at a Russell Group university, has significantly contributed to research on international migration and maternity. Her work investigates the experiences of ethnic minority and immigrant populations, focusing on maternal health, social exclusion, and healthcare equity. She examines postnatal depression and parenting issues across diverse groups, emphasizing the challenges faced by migrant communities in accessing and navigating maternal healthcare. Her research highlights the intersection of race, migration, and health justice in healthcare systems.

Listen to her podcast here:

The Race to Address Health Inequalities by 2030:Community nursing in the lead.

ICCHNR is delighted to announce our next conference in partnership with the Queens Nursing Institute and City, University of London

  •  – 
  • City, University of London, Northampton Square

This will be an international research conference where we discuss the evidence that informs community nursing policy, education and practice in relation to all specialities in community health nursing across health care systems and populations. How can we most effectively use research to influence the pillars of the Sustainable Development Goals?




 If you are a community nursing researcher from a low or middle income country you can apply for a scholarship for this conference!

The purpose of the scholarship is to enable networking and dissemination of evidence between community nurses across LMICs to empower nurses towards improvement in practice and health outcomes for their communities.

 ICCHNR with the Queen’s Nursing Institute are able to fund up to 20 scholarships with a grant from the Burdett Trust for Nursing.

 When you submit your abstract please tick the box if you would like to be considered for one of these awards. To be eligible you should:

  • Be resident in a low or middle income country in this list:
  • Be a registered nurse in your country working in the community (this can mean practising as a community nurse, be an educator or a manager)
  • Be undertaking research (this can mean a service evaluation, a small scale community project, an evidence synthesis, up to and including being the principle investigator on a large scale research study)
  • Have your abstract accepted by the conference scientific committee

If your abstract is accepted and you have ticked the scholarship box, we will invite you to apply for the scholarship. This will include a personal statement, a statement of support from your employer, your CV and your costs.

You can apply for costs to cover your conference related travel inside your country and in England, your visa cost, your flight to London, conference fee, accommodation for 3 nights in London and a small per diem to cover expenses during the 3 days of the conference.

 The deadline for scholarship abstracts is 6th September 2024. The application process will commence in early October and we will inform you by the end of November of the outcome.

 If you are successful, we will also offer you optional mentorship to support your presentation at the conference and the publication of your research within one year of the conference taking place. Agreement to prepare a publication is a condition of the funding.

 We look forward to receiving your abstract!

More info:

Riset atau Kajian Kebijakan Migrasi Perawat Indonesia ke Luar Negeri 2024

Berikut adalah bunga rampai migrasi perawat Indonesia dimulai dari negara asal (pre-migrasi), migrasi (penempatan ke luar negeri) dan pasca-migrasi (migrasi balik). Kajian riset migrasi perawat ini telah didanai baik dana nasional ataupun internasional.

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