Bersama ini diinformasikan bahwa pada 19 – 20 Maret 2011 akan diadakan 8th International Seminar: Humanity and Social Activity in Disaster Situation di Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas GadjahMada (PSIK FK UGM). Seminar ini merupakan kerja sama antara PSIK FK UGM dengan Kobe University Graduate School of Health Sciences, Jepang. Pada kesempatan ini, panitia mengundang Bapak/Ibu/rekan-rekan untuk dapat mengirimkan abstrak untuk dipresentasikan dalam sesi oral/poster presentation, pada tema yang terkait dengan:
1. Aspek psikologis
2. Pendidikan/pelatihan terkait bencana
3. Vulnerable population
4. Volunteer activity
5. Masalah kesehatan dan manajemen terkait bencana
6. Rehabilitasi
7. Tema lain yang terkait Continue reading “8th International Seminar: Humanity and Social Activity in Disaster Situation”
Month: February 2011
9th International Conference for Emergency Nurses
9th International Conference for Emergency Nurses
29 September to 1 October 2011
Adelaide, Australia
Interested in patient care in emergency settings? Join us in Australia showcasing, exploring and celebrating the diversity of Emergency Nursing practice.
The deadline for abstracts/proposals is 2 May 2011.
Come and join us as we spread our wings, learn how to fly, share stories from the nest and soar in the best practice thermals.
The CENA 2011 Conference Committee warmly invites you to join us in Adelaide, South Australia for the 9th International Conference of Emergency Nursing, a showcase, exploration and celebration of the diversity of emergency nursing practice. Whether you work in a small or large Emergency Department; in the city, the country or the bush; up in the air or down on the ground, this conference will encourage you to spread your
wings in new directions.
You can be challenged with new learning; uplifted by camaraderie, supported with collegiality and surprised with some new twists on the ‘traditional’ conference.
Keynote Speakers include:
Mary Salisbury – President, The Cedar Institute Inc
Professor Paul Arbon AM – Chair of Nursing (Population Health) and Dean of the School of Nursing and midwifery, Flinders University
Julie Bernardo – Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, Flinders Medical Centre
Dr Julie Considine RN, PhD – Senior Research Fellow who leads the Deakin University-Northern
Health Clinical Partnership
Mr Mark Johns – State Coroner, South Australia
Mr Malcolm Fialho – Senior Diversity Officer, University of Western Australia
Web address:
Sponsored by: College of Emergency Nursing Australasia
Community Health Nursing Indicators (Indikator Keperawatan Kesehatan Komunitas)
CHN Indicators
Indicators of CHN implementation are:
1. Input Indicators:
– % nurse coordinator (D3)
– % nurse with CHN training
– % Nurse village in charge (has CHN kit)
– % Public health care center has SOP/standards
2. Process Indicator
– % family with health risk has document folder
– mapping of public health care center
– public health care center has plan of action
– Job role and task distribution of nurse
– Cohort register for family with health risk
– Nursing note
– Case discusion and reflection activity
– Monitoring and evaluation result
3. Output Indicator
– % family with health risk has been fostered
– % family with health risk has fostered
– % sick people are followed up
– % group is fostered
– % villages are fostered
4. Outcome Indicator
Self reliance on health of individual, family, group and community is improved.