Research Center REACH

Rekrutmen BPJS Kesehatan

Rekrutmen BPJS Kesehatan Dibuka lowongan pekerjaan yg ingin melamar pekerjaan,dgn syarat : 1.Akreditas fakultas/jurusan : min B 2.Usia maksimal : 25th (D3),27th (S1),32th (dktr) per 31 des 2014 3.Status pernikahan : belum menikah,kecuali pelamar dktr 4.IPK min : 2,75(negeri),3,00(swasta),2,5(dktr,baik PTN maupun PTS) 5.Tinggi bdn min : 155cm(perempuan),160cm(laki") 6.Mampu mengoperasikan kmputer 7.Bersedia ditmptkan disluruh indnsia 8.Bersedia melakukan ikatan dinas slma 2th-ijazah asli dsmpan oleh pihak BPJS kesehatan 9.Bersedia utk tdk mnikah slma 1th,kecuali bagi pelamar dktr yg pd saat melamar tlah mnikah.

Pelamar mndftarkan diri dgn mmbawa berkas lamaran dlm map,sesuai wrna dan mncantumkan kode lamaran di pojok knan atas : A.CV B.copy KTP C.copy ijazah trkhir yg tlah dilegalisir D.copy transkip nilai E.pas foto 4×6 brwrna brlatar blkng biru 2lmbr F.skck G.copy srt referensi dr t4 krja sblumnya,jk sdh prnh bkrja H.berkas lain sesuai prsyaratan khusus Batas akhir pndftaran 7agustus 2014 jam 4 sore..

Rekrutmen dan Seleksi Pegawai BPJS Kes Tahun 2014 untukA. rekrutmen khusus ; dokter umum,arsitek,teknik sipil dan PTT B. Rekrutmen reguler ; pelamar umum; farmasi,apoteker,keperawatan,Ners, Kesehatan Masyarakat,ekonomi,hukum,psikologi, statistik, komunikasi,komputer 1. Staf Unit Manajemen Pel Kesehatan Rujukan diseluruh Indonesia 2. Staf Grup sumber Daya sarana dan umum di kantor pusat Penerimaan berkas lamaran di setiap kantor cabang dan Div regional tgl 4-7 agustus 2014 Untuk infomasi lebih lanjut bisa melihat dipapan pengumunan Kantor BPJS kes terdekat Mari Bersinergi bersama BPJS Kesehatan untuk Indonesia Yang lebih Sehat..

Symposium and Workshop Update Neonatology SWUN 2014


p dir=”ltr”>Kepada Yth:
Dokter spesialis Anak
Dokter Umum


p dir=”ltr”>Dengan hormat,
Melalui surat elektronik ini kami mengajak para teman sejawat untuk berperan serta aktif bersama Tim dalam menurunkan angka kematian bayi dengan membekali diri kita untuk First Golden Hours tatalaksana bayi : update resuscitation 2012, S.T.A.B.L.E, transportation neonate, Oxygen therapy from basic to advance care with non invasive ventilation, infection control, breastfeeding and kangaroo mother care KMC dalam acara SWUN 2014.

Waktu : workshop 5,6 September 2014
Simposium, 7 September 2014
Tempat : Gedung Pusat Diagnosis Terpadu GDC lt VII RSUD Dr. SOETOMO
Semoga melalui acara ini kita dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dan rujukan neonatus di lingkungan kita.
Atas partisasi kami ucapkan Terimakasih


p dir=”ltr”>UK Neonatologi Jawa Timur


GDN is inviting applications from multi-disciplinary research teams, for a research grant to undertake a systematic study of the research environment in developing countries. The research project is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Agence Française de Développement (AFD), and the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation.

About the project:

The “Doing Research” project, through these studies,seeks to develop a comprehensive understanding of the factors pertaining to policy framework, institutional factors, and informal relations that influence the organization of social science research, its quality, quantity and social relevance. The ultimate goal of the project is to build a systematic framework to document the research environment in developing countries around the world.

The country case studies supported under this initiative will be used to inform a broader discussion on a systematic methodology and framework that could be used to observe, analyse and document the research environment in a larger number of countries in a consistent and comparable way as the project is expanded to cover a larger number of countries in the next phase.

About the call:

The research studies supported by this grant will have to be based on developing countries from Africa, South Asia, East Asia, South East Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean and carried out by research teams in developing countries.

The call for proposal looks to support 6-7 extensive research studies within the overarching theme of “Doing Research”. The grant provided under this initiative will be up to a maximum ceiling of US$ 43,000 depending on the scope (in terms of geographical coverage and the level of data and information to be generated) of the proposed research.

Last Date for Submission: 30 July 2014

1. Competition Rules And Guidelines

Please review carefully. Any application that does not follow the guidelines will NOT be considered.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The grant is open only to research teams based in developing countries with the requirement that the applicants (researchers) need to be permanent residents of these countries. Teams can have research collaborators based in developed countries; however such an individual cannot be the Principal Investigator.
  • The Principal Investigator has to be based in the country which is being studied. In case of multi-country studies (2 or more country studies), a resident senior research collaborator is mandatory for each of the countries under study.
  • Citizens of developing countries temporarily residing in a developed country for no more than five years are eligible to apply as part of a team. However, the principal investigator of the research proposal must currently reside and be a permanent resident of a developing country and she/he should be affiliated to an organization headquartered in either of these countries. At least half of the researchers (including the principal investigator) of the team must currently reside in the proposed country to be studied.
  • Staff members of multilateral and bilateral organizations (AusAID, DFID, IADB, IMF, UN agencies, World Bank, and other similar organisations) are eligible to participate only as external advisors. They cannot be recipients of grant funding or salary compensation from the project, although their indirect costs of participation in workshops and meetings may be reimbursed from the budget provided for grant funding. Previous employees of the GDN are not eligible to apply.
  • Applicants should clearly mention if this proposal is receiving or scheduled to receive funds from other sources. It should be clearly explained how the additional funds provided by the grant would reinforce/complement the existing funds for successful completion of the research.
  • We welcome applications that have multidisciplinary research teams and/or are joint applications from researchers proposing to undertake the study simultaneously in 2 or more countries.

Priority Countries:

An indicative list of preferred countries considered to constitute interesting case studies is given below:

India, Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Africa, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Senegal, Malawi, Zambia, Mali, Mozambique, China, Indonesia and Botswana.

However, GDN welcomes interesting research proposals from all developing countries around the world. Completed applications from developing countries apart from those listed above will receive equal weightage in the evaluation process.

How to Apply:

  • Applications need to be submitted online to the email address dr-cfp, with the subject line ‘Doing Research Application – [country]’.
  • Please ensure that the application follows the provided dr-cfp, with the subject line: ‘Doing Research Application Request’.
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