Research Center REACH


The University of the Philippines Manila College of Nursing is proud to be the host for the 17th EAFONS on February 20-21, 2014. On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to extend our warm welcome to you and invite you all to attend the conference in Manila, Philippines.

In this Forum, we are establishing a platform for sharing nursing knowledge with colleagues from other parts of the world. The EAFONS will address a range of themes that are critical to the advancement of Doctoral programmes for nurses in the region of East Asia.

We look forward to have the honor of welcoming you all to Manila, Philippines during the conference.

Abstracts for papers or poster presentation related to the following
thematic priorities are invited:

Graduate education in the region
Graduate education models and systems
Faculty development and mentorship
Partnership models
Noncommunicable and chronic diseases, maternal and child health,
technological comptency, gerontology


Participants are invited to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations. The following instructions serve as guidelines for submission. An abstract will not be considered for presentation if it does not meet the guidelines below.

1. Abstracts must be submitted in ENGLISH language only on 01 September to 10 December 2013.

2. Authors are required to submit abstracts , using the Microsoft Word template and send to the Abstract Review Committee via abstractreview.17eafonsmanila@gmail, or by clicking the link “Submit a manuscript” in the right pane of this page. Abstracts sent by post or fax will not be accepted.

3. Abstracts are categorized into two: (1) Professional Research – papers done by graduate students and professionals, and (2) Student Research – refer to papers done by B.S. Nursing students. Please indicate at the bottom of your abstract its corresponding category.

4. Abstracts should be prepared in the following format: (please refer to attachment for the abstract submission template)
Title – It should be in BOLD BLOCK CAPITALS. The title should be no more than 25 words.
Authors – Type the given name followed by the surname, degrees and titles. Underline the presenting author. The name(s) of the author(s) should be followed by the name of the institution(s) and country.
Content – Abstracts should be organized under four headings:
Length – the abstract (excluding title, names and institution) should not exceed 300 words.
Format – Abstracts must be typed in black using Times New Roman with 12-point font size. Single line spacing should be used. Only standard abbreviations are allowed. References are not required.
Please put a check mark indicating your preference for paper presentation, whether poster or oral presentation. You may check “Either”, indicating that preference is either way. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to give the final decision for the mode of presentation for each abstract. (Note: Poster guidelines will be issued upon notification of accepted abstracts)

5. The materials in the abstract should be original work, with the focus of the abstract clearly stated. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information in the abstract.

6. For authors submitting more than one abstract, each abstract must be submitted separately.

7. Submitting authors will be notified of the receipt of their submission by email. Authors who do not receive acknowledgement of receipt of submitted abstract(s) should contact the Secretariat.

8. All abstracts will be reviewed by the Abstract Review Committee; its decisions about acceptance of an abstract and assignment to a session are final.

9. Applicants will be notified of the acceptance of their abstracts as soon as possible but not later than 15 January 2014.

10. For an abstract to be included in the conference proceedings, registration and payment of fees by the author must be completed by 31 January 2014.

11. The committee reserves the right to make minor revisions, when applicable, to accepted abstracts for inclusion in the conference proceedings. Your submission signifies agreement to this.
Further information


Dear colleagues,

Diponegoro University’s School of Nursing, in cooperation with School of Health Sciences of Muhammadiyah Gombong is very pleased to invite applications to the Second Java International Nursing Conference (JINC) on theme ‘‘East Meets West on Holistic Nursing’. This event will be held on 6 – 7 November 2012 at the university auditorium of Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia.

This two-day scientific forum focuses on topics of nursing philosophical and theoretical development, complementary and alternative therapy, cultural diversity in nursing care process, holistic nursing in nursing education, holistic nursing policies, nursing management, nursing intervention, spirituality in nursing care and holistic nursing application in clinical setting.

This conference provides you opportunities to share your research works, to develop your professional networks, to learn from other colleagues and to meet leading personalities in nursing and health. You are also encouraged to submit abstracts of completed researches for oral or poster presentation in accordance with the conference theme.

The registration fee is IDR 600.000 – 900.000 (for local participants from students to general category) and US$ 115 (before September 29, 2012) – US$ 125 (after September 29, 2012) for overseas participants. The fee includes conference materials and kits including bag, snacks and meals, proceeding (CD), and access to all conference programs including gala dinner and cultural night performance.

The committee of JINC 2012 hereby invites all interested participants across the globe and receives your accomplished abstract and application from until September 3, 2012.

For more details, please visit the conference official website at or feel free to send an email to us at any time. Please find as well in the attachment information about our conference.

See you at the conference in Semarang, Indonesia..

Kind regards,

Asih Nurakhir

Member of JINC 2012 organizing committee
School of Nursing Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University
Jl. Prof. H. Soedarto, SH, Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
Tel. 6224-76480919, Fax. 6224-76486849, website :
Email: or

12th Annual Evidence-Based Practice Conference

Arizona State University College of Nursing & Health Innovation 12th Annual Evidence-Based Practice Conference, “Be a Transformer: Your Role in Leading Evidence-based Practice & Health Policy.”
This conference is designed to enhance the leader within you – whether you are a point-of-care provider, an educator, or an administrator…each of us is a leader in some way. If you are interested in learning the best way to position yourself for influencing policies that foster daily evidence-based decision-making that consistently leads to quality outcomes, this conference is for you. We invite you to join us to learn, to grow, to become…to refuse to settle for the status quo. Come to the conference that is about making a difference in the healthcare…every day. You will be able to engage others in discussion about outcomes, about the future, about evidence-based policy change and much more. Register Today!

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