Research Center REACH


Nasronudin1, Purwaningsih2, Ferry Efendi2
1Institute of Tropical Disease, Airlangga University Indonesia
2Faculty of Nursing, Airlangga University Indonesia
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a lentivirus that can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a condition in humans in which the immune system begins to fail, leading to life-threatening opportunistic infections. Expanding access to voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) for HIV is an important first step in the development of a comprehensive package of HIV services. This paper describes the effectivity and efficiency of mobile and non mobile VCT in community.
Design used in this research was descriptive comparative study. This study was done in three health care services, UPIPI Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Puskesmas Sememi and Puskesmas Perak. The populations were 70 respondents including commercial sex worker, gay, intra vena drug users, transsexual, house wife and commercial sex worker clients. Data were collected using focus group discussion and structured questionnaire.
The result of this study shows that mobile VCT more effective and efficient compare with non mobile VCT from client view. Mobile VCT and non mobile VCT have the same effectivity and efficiency from provider view.
The conclusion of this study has enlightened the important of mobile VCT in HIV occurrence. Further research should be focus on coverage or active case detection from mobile VCT program.
Keywords : HIV/AIDS, VCT mobile, high risk population

Dolly, HIV-AIDS and Market Demand

This article has been published at RADAR SURABAYA NEWSPAPER in 2004. Dolly is a refer to the red light district in Surabaya, East Java, here the writer criticize the health and social issue.

….Ini hidup wanita si kupu-kupu malam
Bekerja bertaruh seluruh jiwa raga
Bibir senyum kata halus merayu memanja
Kepada setiap mereka yang datang
Dosakah yang dia kerjakan?
Sucikah mereka yang datang?…….
Syair lagu lama Titiek Puspa diatas nampaknya sesuai untuk menggambarkan aktivitas di kompleks pelacuran Dolly. Kompleks pelacuran yang mendapat predikat sebagai kompleks pelacuran terbesar se-Asia Tenggara ini semakin menunjukkan keberadaannya. Surabaya dan Dolly memiliki nilai historis tersendiri. Bahkan siapapun yang pernah singgah dikota pahlawan ini setidaknya pernah mendengar istilah Dolly. Entah dari manakah istilah tersebut, tetapi ketika kita menyebut kota pahlawan ini secara otomatis pikiran kita menerawang pada istilah tersebut. Diakui atau tidak, keberadaan Dolly menjadi sumber pendapatan tersendiri bagi Surabaya. Continue reading “Dolly, HIV-AIDS and Market Demand”

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