Surabaya, Indonesia – Research Center in Advancing Community Healthcare (REACH) Universitas Airlangga sukses menyelenggarakan webinar bertajuk “Strategi Peningkatan Dampak Riset dan Publikasi” pada 25 Januari 2025. Acara ini menarik antusiasme luar biasa dengan 1.300 peserta terdaftar, terdiri dari peneliti, akademisi, mahasiswa, dan praktisi yang ingin meningkatkan kualitas riset dan publikasi ilmiah mereka.
Webinar ini dibuka oleh Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, M.Si, yang menekankan pentingnya riset berbasis data dalam menghasilkan publikasi yang berkualitas dan berdampak luas bagi masyarakat. Sesi utama menghadirkan narasumber terkemuka, yakni Dr. Arief Hargono, drg., M.Kes., yang membahas Global Burden of Disease (GBD) sebagai strategi peningkatan kompetensi riset dan publikasi, serta Prof. Ferry Efendi, S.Kep., Ns., M.Sc., Ph.D., yang mengupas pemanfaatan data sekunder terbuka dalam penelitian dan publikasi ilmiah. Webinar ini dipandu oleh Nuzul Qur’aniati, S.Kep., Ns., M.Ng., Ph.D., yang memfasilitasi diskusi interaktif dengan peserta.
Diskusi menyoroti kerangka kerja Global Burden of Disease (GBD) sebagai metode sistematis untuk mengukur beban penyakit di berbagai populasi berdasarkan faktor risiko, angka kematian, dan disabilitas?. Selain itu, pemanfaatan data sekunder terbuka diperkenalkan sebagai solusi efektif bagi peneliti yang menghadapi keterbatasan dalam pengumpulan data primer. Dengan memanfaatkan dataset dari survei nasional dan basis data publik, penelitian dapat dilakukan dengan lebih cepat dan efisien?.
Para peserta juga mendapatkan wawasan tentang pentingnya kolaborasi multidisiplin, pemanfaatan teknologi seperti kecerdasan buatan (AI) dalam analisis data, serta strategi publikasi yang efektif. Penekanan diberikan pada pemilihan jurnal yang tepat, penggunaan metodologi yang kuat, serta optimalisasi kualitas manuskrip agar dapat diterima di jurnal bereputasi internasional.
Webinar ini diakhiri dengan komitmen bersama untuk memperkuat budaya riset dan meningkatkan publikasi ilmiah yang berdampak luas bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan kebijakan publik. Sebagai pusat riset unggulan, REACH Universitas Airlangga akan terus mendukung akademisi dan peneliti dalam menghasilkan karya yang inovatif dan relevan bagi masyarakat.
(10/01/2025) Research Center in Advancing Community Healthcare (REACH) at Universitas Airlangga held a fruitful discussion on the utilization of Indonesian nurses in the global workforce in collaboration with the Ministry of Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection (BP2MI). The event, led by Prof. Ferry Efendi, S.Kep., Ns., MSc., PhD., as Chair, focused on strategies to enhance the international mobility of Indonesian nurses to meet global healthcare demands. Participants included Prof. Ferry Efendi as Chair, Nuzul Qur’aniati, S.Kep.Ns., M.Ng., Ph.D., as Secretary, and Rifky Octavia Pradipta, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep., as a researcher from REACH, Universitas Airlangga, alongside representatives from BP2MI.
The discussion highlighted the growing global demand for nurses, with a projected shortage of 13 million nurses worldwide by 2030 according to the International Council of Nurses (2020) and WHO (2024). Countries like Australia and Singapore are increasing their demand for foreign nurses, requiring 123,000 and 24,000 nurses respectively by 2030. Indonesia, with its annual production of 60,000 nursing graduates (Uknakes, 2023), has the potential to become a major supplier of nurses to the global market. Indonesian nurses, known for their strong educational backgrounds and practical skills, are competitive candidates in the global healthcare workforce.
Despite the opportunities, the discussion also addressed challenges in nurse deployment, such as regulatory barriers, visa and licensing requirements, and the need for streamlined processes for overseas placements. Collaborative programs with international institutions were proposed to enhance language skills and cultural adaptability, and actionable plans were discussed to develop training programs tailored for international certifications, establish partnerships with healthcare institutions in target countries, and advocate for policies that facilitate nurse mobility while safeguarding their rights abroad. The Ministry of Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection committed to strengthening support systems for Indonesian nurses, ensuring fair contracts and working conditions in foreign countries.
Additionally, the session underscored the importance of fostering bilateral agreements with nations facing nurse shortages to create structured pathways for Indonesian nurses. Insights were shared on creating a national framework that aligns educational curricula with international standards, thereby empowering nurses to seamlessly integrate into global healthcare systems. The participants also emphasized the need for continuous professional development and digital literacy training to keep Indonesian nurses competitive in an evolving healthcare landscape.
This discussion concluded with a shared vision of making Indonesia a key player in the global healthcare workforce by leveraging its nursing potential and addressing challenges to nurse mobility.
Public health and community health nursing educators, public health leaders, public health nurses, and students and partners interested in public health, health equity, population health, social determinants of health, and other public health issues.
To provide a scholarly and supportive community for those committed to excellence and innovation in community/public/population health nursing education, research, and practice.
2025 Conference Objectives
Derive innovative pedagogical approaches to community/public/population health nursing education;
Debate the implications and influence of community/public health nursing education on current and emerging academic program and workforce needs;
Explore the effects of historical, social, and physical contexts on population with a focus on how health equity intersects with these contexts to shape health outcomes and disparities;
Highlight new science and evidence to support best practices in community/public health nursing education and practice;
Examine innovative community/academic partnerships and their impact on nursing education and workforce development; and
Critique the implications and effects of recent social and political events on community/public/population health education.
Submit Your Abstract for the 2025 ACHNE Annual Institute: Shaping Futures in Community/Public Health Education & Supporting Health Equity
The Deadline to submit your abstract is November 20, 2024.
Abstract submitters will be notified of decisions by December 20, 2024. Visit for more information.
Abstracts are invited for presentations on original research, practice-based research, innovative teaching strategies, and other topics related to the conference theme. Abstracts will be reviewed by a panel of experts and selected based on their relevance to the conference theme, originality, and potential to contribute to the field of community/public/population health nursing.
Complete and submit one submission per presentation. Please indicate your preference for a podium presentation (15 minutes), symposium (30 minutes), plenary presentation (60 minutes), or ePoster. Please ensure the abstract is submitted completely, indicated by a completion message and abstract submission summary email immediately following the submission.
The submitter will receive confirmation of receipt. Revisions to abstracts cannot be accepted after the deadline of November 20, 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted. *Communications will be directed to the submitter only.
Required Components
Required components:
Presentation title
Lead presenter and abstract contact name, credentials, job title or role (e.g., student), organization, address, phone number, email, (*All communication about the abstract will be sent only to the submitter only).
Additional presenters, job title or role (e.g., student), organization, address, phone number and email (up to 5 additional presenters)
Short biographical sketches for each presenter
Conflict of Interest fields completed for all authors as directed by the submission form
Preferred session format (podium, symposium, plenary, or ePoster)
Abstract text should include these components (500 word maximum)
Implications/relevance for public health
Brief description of session or poster that will appeal to attendees and may be used for the conference program (no more than 50 words)
Target audience (what type of professional would be most interested in your session/poster)
Level of session/poster (beginning, intermediate, advanced)
Special accommodations needed for presenters
You will not be able to submit your abstract if there is any missing information in your submission.
If accepted for a plenary presentation, ACHNE will request your PowerPoint a few weeks prior to the conference. Symposium and Podium presenters will be required to upload their pre-recorded presentation prior to the conference in addition to presenting in person. Posters will be created in our ePoster platform Learning Toolbox and authors will be expected to attend in person on the day of their poster reception.
All accepted abstracts are expected to have at least one author with ACHNE membership, and at least one presenter attend the Annual Institute in person. Paid Registration is REQUIRED to attend the Annual Institute. Virtual presentations are not available for the 2025 AI.
Please feel free to contact the ACHNE office with any questions: or 937-586-3727