Research Center REACH

Pasar kerja perawat INDONESIA

Apa itu pasar kerja perawat? apa pasar kerja perawat hanya terkait lowongan kerja (loker) perawat? berapa jumlah perawat yang dibutuhkan di Indonesia? berapa yang tersedia? berapa jumlah perawat yang bekerja? berapa jumlah perawat yang menganggur? berapa persen serapan tenaga keperawatan kita? apakah kita perlu menempatkan perawat ke luar negeri sebagai salah satu opsi? hal inilah yang akan dibahas dalam pasar kerja perawat Indonesia.

Pasar tenaga kerja keperawatan ini sangat unik, kompleks dan multi-dimensional. Data tenaga kerja keperawatan ini tidak hanya berada di satu stakeholder, tetapi juga lintas stakeholder.

Lanskap kesehatan Indonesia telah menerapkan Cakupan Kesehatan Universal (UHC) sejak Januari 2014. Untuk melaksanakannya dibutuhkan tenaga kesehatan yang memadai dan dapat bekerja dengan baik. Namun, kualitas, ketersediaan, dan distribusinya harus ditingkatkan. Sementara banyak negara mengalami masalah kekurangan tenaga kesehatan dimana data terbaru oleh WHO tahun 2014 menunjukkan ketersediaan SDM untuk kesehatan turun dibawah ambang batas. Kekurangan tenaga kesehatan juga diproyeksikan akan memburuk pada tahun 2019.

Indonesia diprediksi memiliki surplus lulusan perawat dan pengangguran perawat (Suwandono et al., 2005; Suara Surabaya, 2013; BNP2TKI, 2016). Analisis BNP2TKI mengungkapkan bahwa 31.150 perawat Indonesia tidak memiliki pekerjaan. Tahun 2012 terdapat 12.000 perawat yang menganggur di Jawa Timur (Suara Surabaya, 2013; Bappeda Jatim, 2012).

Implementasi Cakupan Kesehatan Universal (UHC) maka akan terjadi peningkatan permintaan untuk tenaga kesehatan terutama perawat dimana menjadi sebuah solusi dari tingginya angka lulusan dan pengangguran perawat. Perlu dukungan dan komitmen yang kuat dalam menjawab tantangan dan mengatasi krisis SDM kesehatan ini.

Pasar kerja perawat merupakan luaran dari implementasi UHC dimana pergerakan permintaan perawat dan sumber daya yang tersedia bisa saling bertemu untuk melakukan transaksi permintaan dan pelamaran pekerjaan perawat. Dalam pasar kerja perawat tentunya tidak hanya sebatas interaksi antara pencari dan penyedia kerja perawat, namun juga terdapat upaya profesional dalam mengembangkan kapasitas dan mutu calon perawat yang akan masuk dalam dunia kerja. Kualifikasi pendidikan dan program pengembangan ini diharapkan mampu meningkatkan tidak hanya kuantitas dari perawat namun juga menjadikan kualitas perawat menjadi lebih baik.

Lowongan WHO Indonesia Sebagai Technical Officer (Neglected Tropical Diseases)

Vacancy Notice No: SE/CO/P/2015/FT47

Title: Technical Officer (Neglected Tropical Diseases)

Grade: P4

Contract type: Fixed-term Appointment

Duration of contract: Two Years

Date: 18 December 2015

Application Deadline: 8 January 2016
(13 day(s) until closing deadline)
Currently accepting applications

Duty Station: Jakarta, Indonesia

Organization unit: SEARO Countries (SE_ACO) /
SE_INO WR Office, Indonesia (SE_INO)

The objectives of the programme are to take forward the prevention, control and/or elimination and eradication of neglected tropical diseases by providing strategic leadership, engaging in partnerships where joint action is needed and shaping the research agenda towards strengthening the capacity of the national programme and reducing disease burden.
Description of duties:
Under the direct supervision of the WHO Representative to Indonesia, the incumbent will be responsible for the following:

  1. Provide technical strategic advice and programmatic support for the national action plan towards prevention, control and/or elimination of a cluster of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) comprising dengue, leprosy, yaws, lymphatic filariasis, soil-transmitted helminthic infection, schistosomiasis and other tropical diseases in collaboration with stakeholders and analyze periodically the results obtained from the national and sub-national programmes and prepare draft reports of these results for publication in appropriate scientific media;
  2. Develop specific plans of action in consultation with the national authorities and WHO Regional Office to target those neglected tropical diseases that are prevalent at the national and sub-national levels and considered public health problems;
  3. Provide support for capacity building at national and subnational levels in the areas of neglected tropical disease surveillance, prevention, control and/or elimination using multi-disease and inter-programmatic approaches;
  4. Provide technical cooperation in establishing network of academic and public health specialists for planning, implementation, surveillance, operational research and evaluation activities addressing priority neglected tropical diseases;
  5. Ensure systematic utilization of resources and comprehensive development of study, research and analytical capacities required for the control of neglected tropical diseases;
  6. Facilitate multisectoral collaboration and resource mobilization (including preparing proposals, project profiles, etc.) in support of the national neglected tropical diseases initiative, and
  7. Perform other related duties, as assigned.
    Essential: Advanced degree in health-related sciences or public health/tropical diseases in a relevant discipline from a recognized institution.

Desirable: Training in epidemiology and/or operational research.

WHO only considers higher educational qualifications obtained from an accredited institution. The list can be accessed through this link:
– Thorough knowledge of the WHO programme policies, principles and practices of a wide range of public health issues and sound knowledge of neglected tropical diseases and their control.
– Skills in conducting health situation analysis, proposal development, project management.

1. Producing results
2. Ensuring the effective and efficient use of resources
3. Communication
4. Teamwork
5. Respecting and promoting individual and cultural differences

Other Skills:
Basic computer skills including standard package of WHO office programmes. Ability work harmoniously as a member of a team and adapt to diverse educational and cultural backgrounds.
Essential: At least seven years’ work experience, some of which should have been obtained in an international context, in the development and implementation of public health programmes including substantial professional experience in government/large organizations

Desirable: International work experience in the area of priority communicable diseases.
Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English.
Additional Information:
WHO’s salaries are calculated in US dollars. They consist of a base salary and a post adjustment, which reflects the cost of living in a particular duty station and exchange rates. Other benefits include: 30 days annual leave, family allowance, home travel,
education grant for dependent children, pension plan and medical insurance.

Please visit the following websites for detailed information on working with WHO: to learn more about WHO’s operations Click on: Quick Links > Salary Scales > by date

Candidates appointed to an international post with WHO are subject to mobility and may be assigned to any activity or duty station of the Organization throughout the world.
Annual salary: (Net of tax)
USD 68,294 at single rate
USD 73,338 with primary dependants Post Adjustment: 36.5 % of the above figure(s). This percentage is to be considered as indicative since variations may occur each month either upwards or downwards due to currency exchange rate fluctuations or inflation.
This vacancy notice may be used to fill other similar positions at the same grade level.
A written test and interviews may be used as a form of screening
Online applications are strongly encouraged to enable WHO to store your profile in a permanent database. Please visit WHO’s e-Recruitment website at: The system provides instructions for online application procedures.
All applicants are encouraged to apply online as soon as possible after the vacancy has been posted and well before the deadline stated in the vacancy announcement.
WHO is committed to workforce diversity.
Any appointment/extension of appointment is subject to WHO Staff Regulations, Staff Rules and Manual. Only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted.
More information:

Dibutuhkan Segera

Dibutuhkan segera sekretaris Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) untuk kantor BPPSDM Kesehatan, Kemenkes Jakarta. Syarat perempuan, bahasa inggris aktif, diutamakan memiliki pendidikan keperawatan. Segera kirimkan lamaran dan CV anda dalam bahasa inggris, lamaran ditutup tanggal 12 Agustus 2012. Lamaran dikirimkan ke (maksimum attachment 1 MB). Tidak diadakan surat menyurat dan komunikasi dalam bentuk apapun, hanya kandidat yang lolos akan dihubungi via HP/telepon.

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