Research Center REACH

Lowongan di PBB, Yuk yang ingin Gaji Puluhan-Ratusan Juta

Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (PBB) mengundang warga negara Indonesia (WNI) untuk bergabung sebagai staf profesional PBB pada level P-1 atau P-2. Lowongan melalui program United Nations Young Professionals Programme (YPP) 2014 ini, terbuka bagi para fresh graduates.

Dalam membuka rekrutmen ini, PBB bekerjasama dengan Kemlu RI, dengan tujuan mencari kalangan muda di negara-negara anggota yang jumlah warga negaranya yang bekerja di kantor-kantor PBB masih sedikit (underepresented), untuk bergabung sebagai staf Profesional PBB.

Indonesia turut berpartisipasi pada program ini karena saat ini masih sangat sedikit jumlah WNI yang bekerja di PBB.

Untuk itu, Kemlu RI mendorong kalangan muda Indonesia yang memenuhi persyaratan umum yang diminta, yaitu:
(1) berusia maksimal 32 tahun,
(2) memiliki ijazah minimal Strata-1 (S-1) yang relevan dengan bidang pekerjaan yang dibuka, dan

(3) mampu berbahasa Inggris atau Perancis dengan baik, untuk ikut melamar pada bidang kerja yg tersedia.

Program YPP tidak mensyaratkan pengalaman kerja, sehingga kesempatan ini juga terbuka bagi para fresh graduates.

Pada YPP 2014, terdapat 6 (enam) bidang kerja yg dibuka yg terbagi ke dalam tiga gelombang pendaftaran sebagai berikut:

14 Juni-13 Agustus 2014 untuk bidang (a) sistem informasi & teknologi, (B) politik.

21 Juni-20 Agustus 2014 untuk bidang (c) ekonomi, (d) produksi siaran radio (khusus bahasa Arab/China/Kiswahili/Rusia/Spanyol).

28 Juni-27 Agustus 2014 untuk bidang (e) Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM), dan (f) Fotografer.

Pendaftaran dilakukan secara online melalui situs, dan seluruh waktu pendaftaran ditutup pada pukul 23.59 waktu New York, AS. Perlu diperhatikan jg bahwa bidang kerja dan waktu pendaftaran dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu bergantung pada keputusan Sekretariat PBB.

Disarankan agar trs memantau informasi terkini melalui situs atau melalui pada kolom Karir dan Beasiswa. bagian Lowongan di Organisasi Interasional.

Chair/Reader, Centre for Implementation Science – NIHR CLAHRC South London

Frontiers of Retrovirology, 16-18 September 2013, Churchill College, Cambridge University, UK

King’s College London

Chair/Reader, Centre for Implementation Science;

(and Associate Director, NIHR CLAHRC South London)

King’s College London (KCL) is seeking to appoint a new chair/reader whose role it will be to provide intellectual leadership to a newly established Centre for Implementation Science (CIS), part of the NIHR Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) South London. The appointee will be tasked with growing the Centre’s international research activity and profile in Implementation Science, and building national and international collaborations. He/she will be expected to secure funding to support the long-term sustainability of the Centre. The successful candidate will coordinate collaboration between the Centre and all the other CLAHRC South London research teams, and will play a key representational role. The appointee will have the opportunity to establish, shape and grow the Centre.

Candidates will have an exemplary research track-record in quantitative or qualitative or mixed methods research, and will have substantial research leadership experience. He/she will ideally be a recognised expert in the emerging field of Implementation Science, or in a relevant area of applied health research, with a strong interdisciplinary background. He/she must be comfortable operating within a complex organisation and multi-disciplinary context. A good understanding of the NHS will be critical, as will the ability to engage a wide range of partners including University researchers, health professionals and managers, patients and service users. The successful candidate will be a collaborative, open-minded and enthusiastic team-player with superb communication and negotiation skills.

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) CLAHRC South London is an alliance of academic and healthcare organisations. The new Centre for Implementation Science is being established within the CLAHRC, which is located at the Denmark Hill campus of King’s College London. The centre is located within the Health Services and Population Research Department of the Institute of Psychiatry (IoP). The aim of the Centre is to promote a more efficient and sustainable uptake of research interventions into healthcare policy and practice, and to devise ways of measuring the implementability and impact of research interventions. As Associate Director of the NIHR CLAHRC South London, the appointee will be a member of the Executive of the CLAHRC, and will contribute to the strategic leadership of the alliance.

We would also welcome applications from strong candidates at Senior Lecturer level.

For more information on the CLAHRC, please visit iop by 1 August.

The Toyota Foundation’s International Grant Program for Projects in Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam

The TOYOTA Foundation calls for projects proposals for its second year of pilot program which supports projects focus on reviewing current challenges and issues shared among Japan and other Asian countries, and proposing policy recommendations. The primary focus of the program is on selected countries in Southeast Asia and Japan.

This program emphasize on drawing lessons from existing practices made local communities, especially in terms of the following areas:

  • How local communities address the challenges and find solutions;
  • The role of various stakeholders in those processes; and
  • Policy frameworks and social settings to support such efforts

Through this program, the foundation try to build a new form of partnership among Japan and other Asian countries, based on empathy shared among peers who face common challenges, instead of conventional ones such as donor/ recipient relationships.

The title of the Grant is “Cultivating empathy through leaning from our neighbors: Common issues in Japan and other Asian countries” with focusing on three thematic areas:

  1. Aging society;
  2. Multicultural society and
  3. Renewable energy practices for sustainable community development

Project Duration and Funding

The duration of projects is limited to one year, without any extension. All projects need to start on 1stNovember, 2014 and finish all activities by 31st October, 2015. The amount of funding vary from 3 – 6 million Yen depends on the number of target countries, not number of all countries covered in the project.


  • Potential applicants can be a team or a network of members from various backgrounds, with a proven record of delivering results in one of the thematic areas. Priority is given to habitats in these five target countries- Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.
  • Applicants must have experience in the thematic areas concerning the target countries.
  • Applicants have available human network of various stakeholders (policy makers, practitioners, researchers, local communities) in the thematic areas concerning the target countries.
  • Applicants must have experience in impacting the stakeholders.
  • Applicants must have strong communication skills.

Download Guidelines for the Program

Download Application form

The deadline for the applications is June 13, 2014 and all the application should be submitted via the Toyota Foundation website here.

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