Research centre REACH

Applying for Funds APEC

All projects must be planned and implemented in accordance with the Guidebook on APEC Projects. Project Proponents are strongly encouraged to read the full guidebook before undertaking a project. Individuals affiliated with any APEC fora (committees, working groups, task-forces etc.) are eligible to apply for APEC funding, provided their concept note and proposal are endorsed by the fora.
Please Note:

All deadlines above expire at midnight, Singapore time.
All required documents, fora prioritization results (when needed) and/or endorsements must be received and in full compliance by deadline.
All dates and details are subject to change.
The Multi-Year Project Pilot Phase will end after Session 1, 2013.

Concept notes development

A project originates from an economy (or economies) and is considered and delivered through an APEC forum. The proposing economy will lead the design and delivery of the project through a Project Overseer (PO) who coordinates the project during the approval and implementation phases. The driver of the project – the Project Overseer (PO) – needs to submit a three-page concept note describing the project’s objectives, relevance, methodology and its alignment with APEC’s goals. POs must also identify the funding source to which they are applying – Operational Account, TILF Special Account, or APEC Support Fund. At least two additional economies must co-sponsor the project (the requirement may be higher, such as in the case of the Human Resources Development Working Group). Concept notes then need endorsement by the fora. If there are multiple submissions within a forum, forum members prioritise the concept notes against each other. This serves as a non-binding recommendation to Committees, reflecting the forum members’ priorities.

Concept notes prioritization

All concept notes then move to their originating forum (SCE, CTI, EC or SFOM) where they are prioritised against each other and assigned a ranking category describing the project’s relevance, based on the Funding Criteria for all APEC-Funded Projects in 2013. If there are not enough funds to cover all concept notes in a particular fund, Principal Decision Makers (individuals nominated by each APEC economy) create a final priority list of all projects to determine the order in which projects qualify for funding. APEC’s Budget and Management Committee then approves the final list of projects that will move forward, based on prioritization lists and funds available. To understand the process in detail, consult Chapter 4 of the Guidebook on APEC Projects (8th Edition).

Proposal development

Once concept notes are approved and POs are notified, they work on adding details to the project and developing a full project proposal. The proposal is circulated to its forum for endorsement and at least two members from other economies complete a Quality Assessment Framework (.doc). The PP submits the proposal and QAF to the APEC Secretariat. APEC’s Project Management Unit then assesses all project proposals according to the Quality Criteria for Assessing APEC Project (.doc). The Secretariat provides advice and assistance, as needed, until the proposal meets satisfactory quality on all criteria: relevance, impact, effectiveness, sustainability and efficiency.

Final approval

Once proposals have reached satisfactory quality, the Secretariat recommends them for approval and sends all key documents and information to BMC, who accepts or rejects the Secretariat’s recommendations. If the proposal is approved, the project moves to the implementation stage.

For further information on specific projects and the process for applying for APEC funds, please review the Guidebook on APEC Projects or contact the relevant APEC Secretariat Program Directors.

Other Information

APEC Projects Overview can be found here.
Implementing APEC Projects information can be found here.
APEC Multi Year Projects (MYP) information can be found here.
APEC Project Funding Sources information can be found here.

For more information, contact:

Beasiswa ke Swedia

Masih ada waktu untuk mendaftar universitas di Swedia sebelum 15 Januari
2013, karena The Swedish Institute Study Scholarships tahun ini kembali
dibuka dengan memberikan prioritas bagi kandidat dari Indonesia! 🙂

http://www.studyins Scholarships/ SI-scholarships/ The-Swedish- Institute- Study-Scholarshi ps/

*Pembayun Sekaringtyas*
Master’s Student in Urban and Regional Planning
Department of Human Geography
Stockholm University

The Swedish Institute Study Scholarships

The Swedish Institute Study Scholarships target highly-qualified
students from the countries listed below. The scholarships will be
awarded for studies in Sweden, starting in August 2013 and covers both
living costs and tuition fees.

*The online application form for the academic year 2013/2014 will be
open between February 1-11, 2013. No scholarships are offered for the
spring 2013 application round.



The program is open to candidates from two different categories of
countries. Please note that if your country is included under Category 1
— you can only apply within that category.

*Category 1:
*Candidates with citizenship from the following countries: Bangladesh,
Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique,
Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.

For the academic year of 2012/2013 we received 906 applications and a
total of 56 scholarships were granted for students from the 12 countries.

The applications are assessed by a selection committee taking into
consideration the relevance and quality of the personal motivation
letter and CV. Academic merits are already evaluated by the universities
in the admission round and is not a criteria for scholarships.

*Category 2:

Candidates with citizenship from countries on the*DAC*
http://www.studyins upload/studyinsw eden_se/Document s/DAC-countries. pdf>list
of ODA recipients can apply to this program. Priority will be given to
candidates from Algeria, Botswana, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran,
Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Namibia, South Africa, Syria,
Tunisia, Vietnam, West Bank and Gaza strip and Yemen.

Candidates with citizenship from the following countries, Albania,
Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine cannot
apply to this program.

Citizens from Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine can only
apply within*The Visby Program*
http://www.studyins Scholarships/ SI-scholarships/ Visby-Program/>.

Citizens from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia can only apply within the program*SI
Scholarships for East Europe*
http://www.studyins Scholarships/ SI-scholarships/ SI-Scholarships- for-East- Europe/>.

Citizens from Turkey can only apply within*The Swedish-Turkish
Scholarship Program*
http://www.studyins Scholarships/ SI-scholarships/ Swedish-Turkish- Scholarship- Program/>.

For the academic year of 2012/2013 we received 888 applications and a
total of 72 scholarships were granted for students from 24 countries.

The applications are assessed by a selection committee taking into
consideration the relevance and quality of the personal motivation
letter and CV. Academic merits are already evaluated by the universities
in the admission round and is not a criteria for scholarships.


Scholarships are intended only for master’s level studies in Sweden
starting in the fall semester 2013 (August). Please note that the
scholarship is not eligible for bachelor’ s level studies.

Who is eligible?

The scholarships are intended for students from the above-mentioned
target groups for full time studies in Sweden. There is no age limit for
scholarship holders.

Scholarships cannot be granted for students who:

* Have already lived in Sweden for two years or more previous to the
scholarship period.
* Have a permanent residence or work permit in Sweden.
* Have previously been awarded a Swedish Institute scholarship for
studies at Master’s level or research at a Swedish university.
However students who have attended a Swedish Institute summer course
in the Swedish language may apply.
* Already hold a Master’s degree from a Swedish university/universi ty
* Are currently enrolled in a study program on Bachelor’ s or Master’s
level at a Swedish university or university college.

How to apply for a scholarship

First apply for studies at a Swedish University
*Prior to applying for a scholarship, you must apply for a study program
at the Swedish official online application service University
Admissions,www. universityadmiss
http://www.universi tyadmissions. se/> Deadline for applications
is*January 15, 2013*. You can apply for a maximum of four study programs.

Submit the payment of your application fee to University Admissions
before*February 1, 2013*.

*Then apply for a scholarship*
The scholarship application period for the academic year 2013/2014 will
be*February 1-11, 2013*.

Please note that your application fee to University Admissions must be
paid before you submit your scholarship application to the Swedish

The*eligible study programs*for SI scholarships have been selected by
the Swedish universities. The list of eligible study programs can be
http://www.studyins upload/studyinsw eden_se/Document s/SI-Study- Scholarship- List-of-eligible -progams2013- 14.pdf>*.

Please observe that your personal application number retrieved in the
confirmation from your study program registration has to be used when
applying for a scholarship.

A list of successful candidates will be published onwww.studyinsweden .se
http://www.studyins Home/>before deadline to accept your place
at the study program atwww.universityadm
http://www.universi tyadmissions. se/>.

*More information about the application procedure can be foundhere
http://www.studyins Scholarships/ SI-scholarships/ The-Swedish- Institute- Study-Scholarshi ps/Application- procedure- for-the-Swedish- Institute- Study-Scholarshi ps/>.*

Scholarship benefits and period

The scholarship covers both the tuition fee (which is paid directly to
the Swedish university/universi ty college by the Swedish Institute) and
living expenses to the amount ofSEK 9,000
http://finance. currency- converter/ ?amt=9000&from= SEK&to=EUR&submi t=Convert>per

The scholarship is only awarded for programs starting in the fall
semester 2013 (August) and is granted for of one academic year, i.e. for
two semesters at a time. It will be extended for programs longer than
two semesters provided that the study results are satisfactory.

The scholarship is designed to cover living costs and study expenses for
the scholarship holder. There are no grants for family members. The
granted scholarship period cannot be altered or extended beyond the
study program period nor can the scholarship be transferred to another
study program at a Swedish university.

SI Network for Future Global Leaders

All Swedish Institute scholarship holders are invited to become members
of the*SI Network for Future Global Leaders*– a network that offers
unique opportunities during and after the stay in Sweden. Together with
other talented people from all around the world, the scholarship holder
is able to take part in a variety of events, exchange ideas and create
networks that benefit both to career and personal development.

Travel grants

Scholarship holders will receive a travel grant in connection with the
scholarship. The travel grant is a one-time payment ofSEK 15,000
http://finance. currency- converter/ ?amt=15000&from= SEK&to=EUR&submi t=Convert>.


Scholarship holders are insured by the Swedish State Group Insurance
against illness and accident during the scholarship period.


Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika pada Tahun 2013 kembali membuka kesempatan dan menyediakan beasiswa pendidikan S2 di luar negeri bagi PNS di lembaga kementerian dan non-kementerian termasuk PNS TNI/ POLRI, baik di lingkungan pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah serta karyawan/karyawati swasta.
Persyaratan : 
Lulusan sarjana (S1)
Memiliki IPK minimal 2.90 (dari skala 4)
Memiliki nilai Institutional TOEFL (ITP)  minimal 570 atau IELTS minimal 6.5
Memiliki nilai Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) minimal 550
Mendapat rekomendasi dari pejabat yang berwenang
Diutamakan :
a. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun
b. Berusia maksimal 35 tahun
c. Belum memiliki gelar dan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain dan/atau sedang mengikuti program pendidikan S2
Pendaftaran dan penyerahan berkas lamaran beasiswa paling lambat tanggal 5 Februari 2013
Klik disini untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai informasi beasiswa. Klik disini untuk mendaftar secara on-line.

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