Research Center REACH

Patient Satisfaction Rate Increasing (>60%) For Indonesian Nurses Performance in Japan

(Tokyo-Jepang) Kementerian Kesehatan, Tenaga Kerja dan Kesejahteraan Jepang Minggu (11/04) mengumumkan hasil survei yang dilakukan pada bulan Februari, yang menunjukkan 60 persen pasien di seluruh Jepang, merasa puas atas pelayanan yang diberikan oleh para calon perawat dari Indonesia.

Sampai saat ini, sebanyak 277 orang calon perawat dari Indonesia, yang datang ke Jepang sebagai bagian dari program Perjanjian Kemitraan Ekonomi Indonesia-Jepang (IJEPA), telah mengikuti program kerja magang di rumah sakit yang ada di seluruh Jepang, dengan gelombang pertama masuk ke ke Jepang, pada pertengahan tahun 2008.
Survei yang dilakukan Kementerian Kesehatan, Tenaga Kerja dan Kesejahteraan pada bulan Februari, diikuti oleh para pasien di 36 rumah sakit, yang menerima penempatan para calon perawat dari Indonesia.

Enam puluh tiga persen pasien menyatakan, kinerja para calon perawat dari Indonesia memuaskan, sementara 35 persen tidak memberikan keputusan, dan 2 persen menyatakan tidak memuaskan.

Mengenai kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Jepang, 41 persen responden menyatakan tidak ada masalah, 39 persen menyatakan saat berbicara dengan perlahan, komunikasi bukan masalah dan 19 persen menjawab, mereka dapat berkomunikasi dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti. Continue reading “Patient Satisfaction Rate Increasing (>60%) For Indonesian Nurses Performance in Japan”

Analysis of Sending Indonesian Nurses Abroad

By: Agus Suwandono, Muharso, Anhari Achadi and Ketut Aryastami
Although at the beginning of program of sending nurses abroad has an objective to solve the problem of ‘surplus’ nurses in Indonesia, the GOI has aware that this program should be seriously manage and prepare in the future. The seriousness of GOI has showed by the MOH new organizational structure in 2005 which has created the Center for Empowering of Profession and HRH for Foreign Countries under the National Board of Development and Empowerment of HRH. Another strength is the efforts of international class for nurse education, sister school system with some Australian Universities and some additional courses for the nurses who want to work at foreign countries. The strengths are also showed by the preparation of mechanism for nurses who want to work abroad in collaboration with nurse professional organization and other related departments in Indonesia, as well as the increasing of the passing rate of the candidates within these 2 years period. Career development after they return to Indonesia has also been prepared. The encouragement of general policy of GOI in supporting the overall manpower development in working abroad is also one of the strengths.
However, several weaknesses are recognized as follows:
1. Ability of speaking and writing in English for Indonesian nurses are still low and vary from one education institution to others, particularly between nurses education institutions in Java and outside of Java,
2. Nursing capabilities (particularly clinical practice and specific nursing procedures) of Indonesian nurses are still weak and unequal,
3. Teaching hospitals for international standard in Indonesia are very limited,
4. Limitation of teachers with international experiences,
5. Due to limited budget, socialization and preparation of information regarding the needs of nurses for foreign countries are inadequate, Continue reading “Analysis of Sending Indonesian Nurses Abroad”


By: Agus Suwandono, Muharso, Anhari Achadi and Ketut Aryastami
Based on the above general health policies, several operational stewardships of HRH in Indonesia, especially those related to nurse policy has been developed such as: * Policy of HRH Development 2000 – 2010
* Strategic Plan of National Board of Development and Empowerment of
HRH, etc.
Basically there are 6 general strategies concerning the nurse policy in Indonesia:
1. Planning improvement of nurse
2. Education improvement of nurse
3. Training improvement of nurse
4. Placement improvement of nurse
5. Empowerment of nurse profession
6. Improvement of integrated management of nurse
Planning improvement of nurse in Indonesia has been carried out through: a. Need analysis of nurse, b. Development model of nurse empowerment, c. Development of planning of total number and type of nurse needed, and d. Development of nurse monitoring and evaluation system
Education improvement of nurse in Indonesia has been implemented by MOH in several programs as follows: a. Management development of nurse education, b. Development of educational process of nurse academy, c. Development of HRH of nurse academy, and d. Development of infrastructure of nurse academy
Training improvement of nurse in Indonesia has been developed through several programs as follows: a. Development of management of nurse training, b. Development of methodology and technology of nurse training, c. Maintenance of quality of nurse training, and d. Development of resources of training centers.
Placement improvement of nurse in Indonesia has been applied through the following programs: a. Development of equity model of nurse placement, b. Improvement of quality and self sufficient of nurse, c. Development of education assistance to poor community and community at the remote areas who are interested to be nurses, d. Development of government regulation for equity of nurse distribution, and e. Empowerment of nurses for abroad placement Continue reading “POLICY OF NURSE IN INDONESIA”

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