(Only available in Indonesian), New Book about education in nursing try to explore about learning and teaching in academic and clinical setting. The contents of this book including : adult learning theory, higher nursing education, nurses competency (hard skill and soft skill), curriculum in nursing education, learning practice (laboratory), e-learning in nursing, development of nursing teaching materials, developing syllables, GBPP, assessment by competency, learning in clinical and community setting, health education, teaching strategy in clinical setting-preceptorship and nursing round.
If you want to buy or meet the writer just call us at 623171769042 or leave a message through comment section in this website. I will respond it very soon. Warmest regards from the writer, Nursalam & Ferry Efendi, Lecturer at Nursing Faculty Airlangga University Surabaya Indonesia, Publisher : Salemba Medika Continue reading “PENDIDIKAN DALAM KEPERAWATAN (EDUCATION IN NURSING)”