Research Center REACH


(Only available in Indonesian), New Book about education in nursing try to explore about learning and teaching in academic and clinical setting. The contents of this book including : adult learning theory, higher nursing education, nurses competency (hard skill and soft skill), curriculum in nursing education, learning practice (laboratory), e-learning in nursing, development of nursing teaching materials, developing syllables, GBPP, assessment by competency, learning in clinical and community setting, health education, teaching strategy in clinical setting-preceptorship and nursing round.
If you want to buy or meet the writer just call us at 623171769042 or leave a message through comment section in this website. I will respond it very soon. Warmest regards from the writer, Nursalam & Ferry Efendi, Lecturer at Nursing Faculty Airlangga University Surabaya Indonesia, Publisher : Salemba Medika Continue reading “PENDIDIKAN DALAM KEPERAWATAN (EDUCATION IN NURSING)”

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