Research Center REACH

Pendaftaran Perawat Ke Jepang 2012 Angkatan VI

Segera daftar sebagai perawat di Jepang untuk angkatan VI tahun 2012, informasi selengkapnya di dan untuk pendaftaran online di Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini, pendaftaran ditutup tanggal 31 Juli 2012.

Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Dosen di PTN di lingkungan Kemdikbud

Pengumuman Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Dosen di Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) di lingkungan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, dapat diunduh pada lampiran di bawah ini:


PG Certificate in Human Resources for Health Management (2013) – West Asia and EMRO
Dear Colleague
We are pleased to announce that this joint collaboration between Queen Margaret University Edinburgh and the Health Services Academy Pakistan is continuing into its third year. Applications are now invited for this course which will take place January – June 2013.
Interested applicants or sponsors should note that attendance on the course in Islamabad is required for only six weeks in total, with participants completing their assignments, mostly work-based at home on completion of the residential component.
Applications can be made directly on-line to QMU Edinburgh, or to HSA Islamabad and details and forms can be found on either the QMU Website or HSA Website.  The whole programme is three modules, but students may register as part-time, taking fewer modules each year until they have accumulated enough credits to graduate.
The course is aimed at health professionals and managers from the health sector with responsibility for the health workforce, and addresses the three major aspects of the contemporary health workforce crisis with a particular focus on Asia – HRH strategy and policy, workforce planning methods, and approaches to improving performance and retention. The residential aspect of the course enables interactive learning, seminars, group work, site visits and e-learning.  Once back home, participants continue to use e-learning and remote support from course tutors in Edinburgh and Islamabad to complete further field work, exercises and assignments, while being connected to QMU’s learning hub.and their fellow students in other locations through a powerful digital learning platform.  Digital literacy is promoted in the early stages of the course for all students. The course is taught by faculty from both institutions.  The medium of instruction will be English. 
On completion of the programme, students will receive a Post-Graduate Certificate in Human Resource for Health Management from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. Credits are transferrable to the Masters programmes of both institutions.
The attached brochure describes the course in more detail, or interested parties may access the relevant institutional websites for more details. More information can also be obtained by contacting the HSA co-ordinator, Sabrina Zaka,  or the programme administrator at QMU Edinburgh, Janice Burr,   Sponsors and applicants should note that accommodation is not available at HSA and is not included in the course fees.  HSA can provide assistance to locate suitable short-term accommodation near to the Academy for students who require local accommodation.
We have sent you this information as we are aware that you have a direct interest in supporting human resources for health in the region. If you have any interest in participating or supporting others to participate in HRH professional development courses in Edinburgh, then our Edinburgh based courses may be of more interest and information can be found on our regular IIHD website.
Yours sincerely

Professor Barbara McPake                                                               
Director, IIHD, QMU                           

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