Research Center REACH

Beasiswa Kepemimpinan Fujitsu Jepang

Fujitsu Limited established the Fujitsu Scholarship Program in 1985 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of its founding. The aim was to provide the opportunity for people from the Asia-Pacific region to contribute to the region through studying different values, cultures, and global business. This has been a Fujitsu’s key initiative for deepening the relationships between the countries and citizens of the Asia-Pacific region. This scholarship has since enabled 478 professionals from 18 countries to study cross-cultural management at JAIMS, the Japan-America Institute of Management Science, in Hawaii, U.S.A.

The Fujitsu Scholarship now provides full financial assistance for postgraduate education and cross-cultural management training in the Global Leaders for Innovation and Knowledgeprogram by Fujitsu-JAIMS Foundation. The program has three and a half months curriculum. The participants will sharpen their global management knowledge and skills, and build the confidence necessary for success in global business situations.


The Fujitsu Scholarship benefits include tuition and fees for the Global Leaders for Innovation and Knowledge program.

  • Tuition and Fees for the Global Leaders for Innovation and Knowledge
  • Stipend Toward Living Expenses
  • Airfare:
    Fujitsu Ltd. will provide a round-trip air ticket to Japan where the program starts and ends, as well as ticket to participate Hawaii, Thailand, and Singapore Modules of the program. The selection of the air carrier and travel agent, including itinerary, is at the discretion of Fujitsu Ltd.
  • Housing Arrangements:
    JAIMS will assist in locating appropriate housing in Honolulu for participants. Fujitsu Ltd. will provide and pay for participant accommodations in Japan, Thailand, and Singapore.
  • Visa Arrangements:
    When applicable, participant will be assisted in obtaining the M-1 Student visa to enter the U.S. and Japan entry visa for a short stay. The expense of obtaining the visas is the financial responsibility of the participant.
  • Application Process

    Please note that the requirements for applying to Global Leaders for Innovation and Knowledge without Fujitsu Scholarship and with Fujitsu Scholarship are different.

    For those applying for Global Leaders for Innovation and Knowledge without receiving Fujitsu Scholarship, please apply to the program following the instructions on the Fujitsu-JAIMS Foundation website.

    For those who would like to participate in Global Leaders for Innovation and Knowledge with Fujitsu Scholarship, follow the instructions below.

    STEP 1: Register through the Web

    1. Check Eligibility: Applicants check their eligibility for applying to the Fujitsu Scholarship program.
    2. Register Your Information: Applicants fill out the Web Registration Form.
    3. Download the Application Forms: Applicants will receive an e-mail upon registering with links for downloading the Fujitsu Scholarship Application Form and the Global Leaders for Innovation and Knowledge Application Form.

    STEP 2: Prepare Application Documents

    Prepare the application documents. The necessary documents are as follows. Refer to the "Details for the Required Documentation" for more information.

    Required Documentation:

    1. Fujitsu Scholarship Application Form
    2. Global Leaders for Innovation and Knowledge Application Form
    3. Photocopy of your TOEFL, TOEIC, or IELTS (Academic) score report
      Valid test dates are between October 2010 and August 2015.
    4. Original Official Academic Transcript or Graduate Certificate

    Important Information:
    Both the Fujitsu Scholarship Application Form and the Global Leaders for Innovation and Knowledge Application Form must be filled out and sent as follows:

    1. Click on the links to download the application forms and save them on your computer.
    2. Fill out the application forms on your computer. Application forms must be typed.
    3. Save the completed application forms on your computer. When saving, please change the PDF file names as follows.
      – Replace "CountryName" part of the PDF file name with your country of citizenship in all lowercase characters.
      – Replace "LastName" part of the PDF file name with your last name in all lowercase characters.
    4. E-mail the completed application PDF files to the following address:


    5. Print out the completed application PDF forms (one copy for each application). Application forms may be printed double-sided.
    6. After printing out the application forms, sign them in the area marked Applicant’s Signature on both application forms.
    7. Send the signed application forms along with all required documents to the address listed below.

    STEP 3: Send Application Documents

    Submit the documents listed in STEP 2 to:

    Fujitsu Hawaii Representative Office
    c/o JAIMS
    6660 Hawaii Kai Drive
    Honolulu, HI 96825

    Do not contact us to ask whether your application documents have been received. Use "certified" mail or other traceable method if you need confirmation.

    Application Deadline

    September 11, 2015 at Noon Japan Time (September 10, 2015 at 17:00 Hawaii Time)

    • All documents must be received by September 11, 2015 at Noon Japan Time (September 10, 2015 at 17:00 Hawaii Time)
    • Applicants who fail to submit all documents by the deadline will not be considered.
    • Submitted application documents will not be returned to applicants.

    Selection Process

    1. Initial Screening

    Initial screening is based on the strength of the application, which includes meeting the admission qualifications.

    2. Interview

    Applicants who pass the initial screening will be contacted for an interview at a designated date. Applicants should be residing in their respective countries of citizenship (or in Hawaii for Hawaii residents) at the time of their interviews.

    The interview dates will be posted here in the end of August.

    3. Selection of recipients

    • Final selection will be determined by Fujitsu Limited.
    • Selection is based on English proficiency (for non-native speakers of English), work experience, motivation and goals as expressed in the interview. A key factor is the individual’s commitment to contributing to the development of their communities and home countries.
    • More information:

Hibah Penelitian dari Toyota Foundation

Bagi Anda yang tertarik mengikuti hibah penelitian dari Toyota Foundation tenggat waktu pengiriman aplikasi akan berakhir tanggal 4 September 2015. Informasi lengkap sebagai berikut:

"Exploring New Values for Society"

Program Objectives

Research Grant Program 2015, titled "Exploring New Values for Society", provides two grant frameworks respectively for joint research projects and individual research projects that can be expected to lead to "creation of new values for society". For both frameworks, we solicit ambitious projects that are founded on creative concepts that reflect a youthful perspective and whose results can help change people’s ways of thinking – regardless of their country or region of origin or their social position and circumstances – and can lead to actions that bring about solutions to the issues faced.

Grant Frameworks

Public Notification Period May 11 to September 4, 2015
Total Amount of Grants 100 million yen (Joint Research Grants: Approx. 80 million yen. Individual Research Grants: Approx. 20 million yen.)
Amount of Grant per Project Joint Research Grants: Up to around 4 million yen per year
Individual Research Grants: Up to around 1 million yen per year
Period of Grants One year or two years, beginning May 1, 2016
Project Proposal Requirements No limitations are placed on proposals with regard to the nationality or place of residence of the project representative or participants; nor is there any restriction with regard to the their affiliation (or lack thereof) with a university, research institute, NPO/NGO, or other organization.
Grant Categories (A) Joint Research Grants
(B) Individual Research Grants
Selection of Grants Formal decisions on the awarding of grants will be made at the Toyota Foundation Board of Directors meetings scheduled to be held in March 2016, based on the deliberations of a selection committee composed of outside experts.

Application Procedure

Proposal Guidelines

To start application procedure, please click the button below.

Start aplication pdocedure

Funded Projects

Comments by Selection Committee Chair

Previous comments are available in the Annual Report.

More information:


Bagi akademisi, peneliti ataupun masyarakat umum yang tertarik melakukan penelitian dengan tema terkait negara Jepang. Yayasan SUMITOMO Jepang membuka kesempatan luas bagi masyarakat Indonesia untuk berkompetisi dengan mengirimkan proposal yang diminta. Adapun syarat serta ketentuan lebih lanjut bisa dilihat di tautan berikut: 

Japan-related research grant program

Purpose of the Program:

The program aims at enhancing mutual understanding between Asian countries and Japan through promoting research projects in the field of the social sciences or humanities that are related to Japan.

Eligible Projects for Application:

Any research project to be carried out by individual or a group in the field of the social sciences or humanities that is related to Japan.

Qualification of Applicant:

Researcher shall be of Southeast or East Asian (non Japanese) nationality, living outside Japan. Awarded researcher must conduct the proposed research by himself or herself.

Fiscal 2015 Program:

Application period :?September 1 ? October 31, 2015

Grant period :

One year (April 2016 through March 2017), but can be extended by another one year maximum upon request.

Grant budget :

Approx.\50 million in total, with 80 projects to be selected


The Application Form, the Application Guide and the Instruction Sheet for Fiscal 2015 attached below.

Application Guide                           ??? ?????

Instruction Sheet for Application Form       (PDF)

Application Form                                    (PDF)       (WORD)

(You need Adobe Reader to open PDF files.)

The Application for Form duly filled in and signed shall be submitted together with a letter of recommendation, free-form from a person with an academic background by international courier or registered airmail.

Language for Application: 
English or Japanese
The selection of applications will be made by the Foundation’s Selection?Committee made up of certain persons of high academic standing. Based on such determination, the Foundation’s Board of Directors will approve the grant.

Further information please click here

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