Research Center REACH

Pengalaman Seru Perawat Ponorogo Kerja di Jepang

Sumber:, Ponorogo – Profesi sebagai perawat mengantarkan Fitri Setyani (29 tahun) bekerja di Jepang. Perawat asal Ponorogo ini sudah dua tahun bekerja di Jepang.

Fitri ikut program Indonesia-Japan Economy Partnership Agreement (IJEPA). Program itu kerja sama antara pemerintah Indonesia dan pemerintah Jepang dalam bidang perawat dan pengasuh lansia.

“Saya jadi perawat di Asahi General Hospital di bagian Kota Asahi, Jepang,” tutur Fitri kepada di Ponorogo, Jawa Timur, Jumat, 17 Maret 2017.

Selama menjadi perawat di Jepang, banyak pengalaman menarik, salah satunya pelarangan pemakaian jilbab di rumah sakit. Ia pun memberanikan diri untuk bernegosiasi masalah jilbab kepada pihak rumah sakit.

Kedua, usai tiba di Jepang, ia harus lulus ujian negara. Dalam ujian negara ini ada ujian bahasa Jepang dan huruf Kanji.

“Di sini semua peralatan medis menggunakan huruf Kanji, jadi ini yang harus dipelajari,” kata Fitri.

Fitri pun harus rela setelah 9 jam bekerja, ia harus belajar agar segera lulus ujian negara. Jika lulus ujian ini, ia bisa memperpanjang kontrak kerja sekaligus bisa mendapatkan kesempatan jenjang karier. Jika tidak lulus, ia tidak bisa memperpanjang kontrak dan harus kembali ke negara asal.

“Ketiga, sebagai perawat saya harus memperhatikan betul kebutuhan pasien saya, karena di Jepang peran keluarga sedikit,” ucap Fitri.

Fitri mengaku senang dengan pelayanan medis di Jepang karena peralatan medisnya canggih. Selain dirinya, ada dua perawat asal Indonesia, dua perawat asal Vietnam, dan selebihnya perawat asal Jepang sendiri.

Dalam keberangkatannya ke Jepang, ia tidak mengeluarkan biaya sama sekali. Ia pun mendapat dukungan penuh dari keluarga membuat Fitri semakin yakin mengembangkan karier di Jepang.

“Saya berharap semoga bisa lulus ujian negara supaya bisa memperpanjang masa kontrak kerja diJepang,” ujar Fitri.

Lived experience of Indonesian nurses in Japan: A phenomenological study



The movement of Indonesian nurses via a bilateral agreement with Japan has led to a substantial number of migrants to work as nurses in that nation’s healthcare system. The purpose of this research was to develop a deeper understanding of the meaningful experiences of Indonesian nurses while working in Japanese hospitals.


In this phenomenological study, sampling was purposive and was based on information shared by five Indonesian nurses. The data were collected in interviews; the analysis was thematic.


Six key themes were identified: (i) seeking better than before; (ii) communication challenges; (iii) the nursing examination as a culmination; (iv) differences in nursing practice; (v) cultural differences; and (vi) the benefits of living in developed country. Among these challenges, communication as the basis of shared meaning and understanding was viewed as a complex issue, by both patients and coworkers.


The results of this study call for further intervention in supporting Indonesian nurses living in Japan in their struggle with the issue of communication. The emphasis on language acquisition for personal and professional objectives, and the bridging of cultural differences as well, should be considered in an international context.

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A deskilling and challenging journey: the lived experience of Indonesian nurse returnees

A deskilling and challenging journey: the lived experience of Indonesian nurse returnees


  • Funding

    This research received a grant from Sumitomo Foundation, Japan. The funder had no involvement in research design, data collection, analysis and publication process.

  • Conflicts of interest

    The authors declare no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship and/or publication of this article.



To illuminate the lived experiences of Indonesian nurses who previously worked as caregivers in Japanese residential care facilities, by exploring the journey of becoming returnees.


The creation of bilateral agreements between Indonesia and Japan has facilitated the movement of Indonesian nurses to work as caregivers in Japan since 2008. While this decision raised concerns with regard to the degradation of nursing skills, little is known about this issue from the perspective of nurse returnees and how the experience affects their life.


A hermeneutic phenomenological method was employed for this study. A purposive sample of 15 Indonesian nurse returnees participated in this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in four of Indonesia’s provinces between August and October 2015. Data were analysed thematically, supported by QSR NVIVO 10 software.


Four key themes emerged from the data analysis: (i) returning home; (ii) going back to zero; (iii) walking through a difficult journey; and (iv) overcoming barriers. These findings described the lived experiences of nurse returnees when they got back to the country of origin.


Indonesian nurse returnees experienced deskilling and struggled to re-enter the nursing profession or to find other non-nursing jobs. The significant impact of this migration on individual nurses with regard to maximizing the benefits of return migration deserves further investigation.

Implication for nursing and health policy

The Indonesian government, jointly with other stakeholders, should develop a brain gain strategy to align returnees’ expertise with the needs of the national labour market. The public-private partnership should be strengthened to utilize returnees in healthcare services.

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