To cite this article: Sarni Maniar Berliana, Efri Diah Utami, Ferry Efendi & Anna Kurniati (2018): Premarital Sex Initiation and Time Interval to First Marriage Among Indonesians
DOI: 10.1080/00074918.2018.1440067
This study aims to examine the determinants of premarital sexual intercourse and its consequences to age at first marriage. Survival analysis were applied on the 2012 IDHS where 11% of them reported that they had premarital sexual intercourse. The prevalence rate of premarital sex based on married females and males aged 15-24 years is higher than the published prevalence rate based on unmarried ones. Premarital sexual intercourse is more likely among males, lower educated people, and rural residents. Females, more educated people and rural residents enter first marriage sooner following intercourse initiation than their corresponding counterparts. People who engage with premarital sexual intercourse enter first marriage later than their counterparts. The long time span to first marriage following premarital sexual intercourse initiation needs to be addressed and considered in the current policy which is to accommodate comprehensive sexual reproductive health (SRH) services to unmarried adolescents as their rights of SRH.
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