Research centre REACH

Post Graduate Roundtable Presentation 2014

Kami mengundang, mahasiswa S2 dan S3, praktisi, akademisi, maupun peneliti di seluruh Indonesia. Untuk mengirimkan paper/makalah dan dipresentasikan dalam Post Graduate Roundtable Presentation. Kegiatan akademis ini diadakan oleh Program Studi S2 Media dan Komunikasi Universitas Airlangga pada Sabtu, 6 Desember 2014 pukul 08.00 sampai selesai, di Kampus B gedung FISIP Universitas Airlangga.
Paradigma Baru Kajian Media dan Komunikasi Proffesional Terhadap Isu-Isu Kontemporer
Sub Tema
1. Media, Teknologi dan Masyarakat
2. Media, Seksualitas, dan Gender
3. Media dan Komunikasi Politik
4. Media Sosial dan Internet
5. Media dan Kajian Budaya Masyarakat
6. Periklanan dan Budaya Konsumen
7. Integrated Marketing Communication
8. Corporate Social Responsibility
9. Public Relation dan Isu Lingkungan
10. Komunikasi Bisnis dan Organisasi
Keynote Speaker
– Ishadi SK (Praktisi dan akademisi di bidang Media dan Ilmu Komunikasi)
– Yudi Pramadi (Kepala Biro Komunikasi & Layanan Informasi Kemenkeu)
– Errol Jonathans (Direktur Utama Radio Suara Surabaya)
– Dra Rachmah Ida M.Com Phd (Dosen Komunikasi Universitas Airlangga)
Mahasiswa S2 atau S3, akademisi, praktisi, dan peneliti dari seluruh Indonesia

  1. Abstrak berjumlah 150-250 kata
  2. Paper merupakan karya asli penulis yang belum pernah dipublikasikan/dipresentasikan dalam acara serupa. Paper bisa berupa hasil penelitian maupun artikel konseptual
  3. Paper ditulis sesuai dengan kaidah atau ketentuan tulisan ilmiah yang dipublikasi dalam jurnal atau tulisan ilmiah populer
  4. Paper ditulis paling sedikit 10 halaman, Times New Rowman, 12 pt, 1,5 spasi.
  5. Paper dilengkapi dengan identitas, riwayat hidup terkini, dan pas foto penulis ukuran 4 x 6 berwarna.

– Calon peserta mengumpulkan abstrak paper ke email panitia medkomua.roundtable2014 dengan batas waktu (deadline) 17 November 2014. Pengirim abstrak disertai identitas diri dan nomor telepon yang bisa dihubungi.
– Calon peserta yang abstraknya dinyatakan lolos seleksi akan diberitahu via email atau nomer telepon masing-masing pada 21 November 2014. Setelah itu, calon peserta dipersilakan untuk mentransfer biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp 300 ribu ke rekening Bank Mandiri atas nama Yanuarita Kusuma P nomor rekening 142 00 1362 409 2. Biaya pendaftaran itu termasuk snack, makan siang, sertifikat, serta kumpulan karya para peserta atau proceeding ber-ISBN.
– Pengumpulan makalah/paper lengkap paling lambat 5 Desember 2014.
– Keterangan lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi:
o Azza: 085733331190
o Rani Gayuh: 082245577864

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by. PIH Unair

Pendidikan Keperawatan Berkelanjutan (Gratis)

We’ve learned over the past several months that the most at-risk people for Ebola during an outbreak are healthcare workers and those in close contact with infected individuals. It is critical that, for our own safety as well as that of our patients, we are aware of the latest information and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization. In addition, the American Hospital Association has requested that continuing education providers, like Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, make this essential information related toEbola Virus Disease identification and infection control procedures accessible to our readers and CE participants.

You can find more news, clinical information, and resources about Ebola virus disease. In addition, our continuing education team brings you the CE module, What You Need to Know AboutEbola Virus Disease. Earn 2 FREE contact hours by viewing this activity and taking the associated test.

Thank you,

Lisa M. Bonsall, MSN, RN, CRNP
Clinical Editor,

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CFP: ‘International Medical Travel and the Politics of Transnational Mobility in Asia’ Workshop – abstracts due 31 March 2015


International Medical Travel and the Politics of Transnational Mobility in Asia

DATE : 26-27 August 2015
VENUE : Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore

This workshop is organised by the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore; with support from the Monash University, Australia.
Although travelling across nations and crossing borders to seek medical care is not new, the rapidly increasing volume and velocity of medical travel at the turn of the 21st century soon raised its international profile and visibility. Especially with the emergence of the medical tourism industry, contemporary international medical travel expanded considerably as private hospitals stepped up their marketing to reach patient-consumers overseas and new businesses that sought to facilitate cross-country utilization of medical care proliferated.

In tandem with the growth of the phenomenon, medical travel/tourism as a field of research has also grown rapidly, with recent works encompassing ethnographic studies of patients’ experiences and subjectivities in the context of diverse types of medical travel as well as critical studies of international medical travel as a form of engagement embedded within struggles for access and rights to health care, as a reflection of shifting geographies of care and responsibility, and as forms of interactive encounter at the bodily, local and national scales, shaped by processes of globalization.

This workshop aims to provide a platform for discussing empirical and conceptual works on international medical travel in the context of the politics of transnational mobilities in Asia. Viewing Asia as a region of diverse and dynamic transnational mobilities, we are interested in papers that explore the ways in which international medical travel has developed in the region, the local, national and regional mechanisms that both impede and aid international medical travel, and the negotiations and contestations that accompany it.

We recognize that while international medical travel encompasses a range of different types of patient flows, and although the term ‘medical tourism’ often conjures up the idea of people travelling vast distances for medical care, the major flows are by and large intra-regional, often initiated because of the lack (or inaccessibility) of treatment facilities in the patients’ own countries. International medical travel therefore cross-cuts with people’s everyday realities, with different types of mobilities and bounded-ness, and with institutional processes in local, national, regional, as well as societal contexts.

While open to different theoretical approaches, we highlight the following which may provide useful starting points for empirical analysis:

1) Transnational studies have fruitfully re-conceptualized migration and migrants’ realities within transnational social fields that do not coincide with national boundaries. While medical travelers are not conventionally regarded as migrants, conceptualizing international medical travel as a transnational social field may serve to reveal the depth and extent of social relations, networks and institutions that underpin this phenomenon.

2) In modern life, access to health care is a crucial part of life and social security. The ways in which health care is accessed and utilized as part of everyday life constitute an important part of social reproduction. Are there ways in which international medical travel contribute to social reproduction that are distinct from, or that distorts, the social reproductive role of locally accessed and utilized health care? Conversely, how may international medical travel contribute to social transformation?

3) Sustaining international medical travel as practice, as an industry, or even as a country export, involves processes of institutionalization that diverge from established conventions in healthcare provision and utilization. What are the ideas, practices, and processes that contribute to the institutionalizing of international medical travel and its cultural reproduction?

4) Locating international medical travel in society necessarily calls for an examination of societal responses, from both host and sending societies. These societal responses range from solidarity and sympathy on the one hand, to resistance and hostility on the other. How do they play out in relations at various levels – individual, organizational, local, and national – and to what extent do they shape the shifting landscape of limits and opportunities in the provision of health and medical care?


Paper proposals should include a title, an abstract of 250 words maximum and a brief personal biography of 150 words for submission by 31 March 2015. Please send all proposals to Dr Chee Heng Leng at cheehengleng and Assoc Prof Andrea Whittaker at andrea.whittaker.

Successful applicants will be notified by 30 April 2015 and are required to send in a completed draft paper (5,000 – 8,000 words) by 31 July 2015. Based on the quality of proposals and availability of funds, partial or full funding will be granted to successful applicants. Participants are therefore encouraged to seek fund for travel from their home institutions. Full funding covers air travel to Singapore by the most economical means, plus board and lodging for the duration of the workshop.


Dr Chee Heng Leng
Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore

Professor Brenda SA Yeoh
Asia Research Institute, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences,
and Department of Geography, National University of Singapore

Associate Professor Andrea Whittaker
School of Social Sciences, Monash University, Australia