Research Center REACH

World Bank Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program


The Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program was established in 1982 to honor the former President of the World Bank, by contributions from the World Bank and the governments of Bangladesh, China, India, Kuwait, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, and former Yugoslavia.

Every year the Program provides grants of up to $25,000 to PhD candidates from developing countries to conduct innovative, development-related, PhD research under the supervision of a research advisor at a host institution abroad. Fellows must commit to return to their home country when their fellowship ends to complete their PhD and to work.

The 2015 Call for Applications to the World Bank Robert S. McNamara Fellowship is now open, and will close on Wednesday, February 11, 2015. Visit our ‘How to Apply‘ page for more information on preparing your application.

This fellowship supports developing country PhD candidates to conduct innovative, development-related, doctoral research under the supervision of a research advisor abroad.

*Attention! These Guidelines are not valid for applicants to a master’s degree. For more information about scholarships for masters studies visit the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program webpage.

To begin the web-based application process for a Robert S. McNamara fellowship, we recommend that you:

1. Review the Application Guidelines and FAQs posted below. The Application Guidelines contain the complete set of eligibility requirements associated with this fellowship.
Application_Guidelines FAQs

2. To apply, click on APPLY ONLINE HERE and use the instructions "Accessing the Online RSMFP Application" posted below to Log-in.


3. Refer to "Navigating the Online RSMFP Application" posted below for guidance on how to maneuver within the various components of the on-line application.


4. Complete the application, refering to the Application Guidelines and FAQs posted above. Please note:

i) The FAQs document is updated regularly to ensure clarity of instructions.

ii) You will be required to upload a proposed budget for RSM financing in the application. The template you are required to use for this budget can be downloaded here.

iii) The application is available only in English, although applicants are given the choice at the top of the Application Form to enter the required information in English, French or Spanish


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