UNU-WIDER has started a new project ‘The Economics and Politics of Taxation and Social Protection’ that aims to shed new light on the system-wide impacts of social protection and tax systems in developing countries. It involves research work that provides analytical tools for policy-makers and researchers alike to understand the current scope of tax-benefit systems and to be able to simulate impacts of policy changes.
We have two research opportunities currently open under this project. First, a call for papers for a UNU-WIDER Symposium on the Political Economy of Social Protection Systems that will take place later this year. Second, a request for research proposals on the political economy of social protection systems. Papers selected under the request for research proposals and the call for papers will be considered for publication in the WIDER Working Paper series, and subsequently in a UNU-WIDER journal special issue under this project. Call for Papers – UNU-WIDER Symposium on the Political Economy of Social Protection Systems Comparative analysis of the emergence of social protection in developing countries, as well as theoretical models and conceptual analysis are essential to address the key questions on this topic. Therefore, papers are invited to contribute to this Symposium covering aspects of the following areas:
The deadline for submitting abstracts or draft manuscripts is 30 April 2015. Accepted applicants will be informed by 15 May 2015. For the full call for papers, including the list of topics and questions, as well as information on submission procedures go here. Request for Research Proposals – The Political Economy of Social Protection Systems Read full Request for Research Proposals UNU-WIDER invites research proposals from qualified researchers working on, or interested in exploring political economy considerations of social protection systems in developing countries. The aim of these papers is to culminate as articles in a special issue of a journal. For the full request for research proposals, including the list of topics and questions, as well as information on submission procedures, go here. Deadline for proposal submission is 15 May 2015. Best regards, UNU-WIDER team |