Dynasty Resort Kuta Bali, Indonesia 31 May – 01 June 2014
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to update you with the progress of The 2nd Annual International Conference on Science and Engineering in Biology, Medical and Public Health (BioMedPub 2014)as well as the invitation to submit your research papers:
1. The keynote speaker for BioMedPub 2014 is Prof. Ying-Hen Hsieh from Department of Public Health and Graduate Institute of Biostatistics, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan with the title of talk “Modeling Temporal Changes in HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Cuba, 1986-2008”
2. The 2nd Annual International Conference on Science and Engineering in Biology, Medical and Public Health (BioMedPub) will be held at the Dynasty Kuta Bali, Indonesia, during 31 May – 01 June 2014.
3. The 2013 International Conference on Science and Engineering in Biology, Medical and Public Health (BioMedPub 2014) publication already published in Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine ISSN: 2164-6627 (print); EISSN: 2164-6635 (online) in http://www.aspbs.com/asem.html#v6n1
4. Please visit http://biomedpub.org/?page_id=97 for BioMedPub 2013 photos collection
4. The Important Dates as follow:
Paper Submission Deadline: 10 May 2014
Notification of Paper Acceptance: 14 May 2014
Camera Ready Paper Submission: 17 May 2014
Authors Registration Deadline: 17 May 2014
Conference Date: 31 May – 01 June 2014
5. All of Submitted Full Paper BioMedPub 2014 will be peer reviewed by at least three reviewers.
The BioMedPub 2014 publication will be in Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine Journal (ISSN: 2164-6627 (print); EISSN: 2164-6635 (online)) http://www.aspbs.com/asem.html
6. Please http://biomedpub.org/?page_id=12 for Template full paper Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine Journal.
7. The BioMedPub 2014 will cover diverse topics such as biomedical engineering, healthcare technologies, and medical and clinical applications to bring together scholars, leading researchers and experts from diverse backgrounds and applications areas. Special emphasis is placed on promoting interaction between the theoretical, experimental, and applied communities, so that a high level exchange in new and emerging areas within biomedical engineering, healthcare technologies, and medical and clinical applications are achieved.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to:
Track 1. Biomedical Signal Processing
Track 2. Biomedical Imaging & Image Processing
Track 3. Bioinstrumentation: Sensors, Micro, Nano and Wearable
Track 3. Bioinformatics, Computational Biology; Systems Biology, Modeling Methodologies
Track 4. Cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems Engineering
Track 5. Neural Engineering, Neuromuscular Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering
Track 6. Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics, Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials
Track 7. Bio-Robotics, Surgical Planning and Biomechanics
Track 8. Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems, Devices and Technologies, Clinical Engineering
Track 9. Healthcare Information Systems, Telemedicine
Track 10. Neural Engineering, Neuromuscular Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering
Track 11. Biomedical Engineering Education and Society Chemistry and Advances
We would like your kindness to forward this Call for Paper to your colleagues/students.
Please email us for any questions to biomedpubconf2014@gmail.com
Looking forward to meet you in BioMedPub 2014, Bali, Indonesia.
Sincerely yours,
BioMedPub 2014 Publicity Chair