Research Center REACH

“Success in Publishing in Reputable International Journals: SCOPUS BOOTCAMP #1 Insights from REACH Chairman Ferry Efendi, Ph.D”


The Research Center of Excellence in Advancing Community Health (REACH) proudly presents Mr. Ferry Efendi, S.Kep., Ns., M.Sc., Ph.D., Chairman of The Research Center of Excellence in Advancing Community Health (REACH), as the speaker in the event “SCOPUS BOOTCAMP #1”. He will deliver material on “Success in Publishing in Reputable International Journals”. The SCOPUS BOOTCAMP #1 will be held in a hybrid format via Zoom and at Raising Hotel Makassar on June 7-8, 2024, attended by 30 participants consisting of lecturers, researchers, and REACH members.

In his presentation, the REACH chairman emphasized several important points on how to get manuscripts accepted in reputable journals. Among these are paying attention to the structure within the manuscript such as the title (Specific, Measurable, Accurate, Concise, and Structured – SMART), abstract (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion – IMRAD), conclusion, and references.

Furthermore, the REACH chairman explained things to consider for successful publication in reputable international journals, such as:

  1. Finding the right mentor who can guide us.
  2. Building good writing habits with the Pomodoro technique.
  3. Targeting publications in Scopus journals with quartile 4 or 3 before aiming for higher quartiles.
  4. Finding favorite authors as references in writing the manuscript.
  5. Recruiting research assistants or research groups with the same expertise for collaboration.
  6. Obtaining sufficient funding sources.
  7. Utilizing modern tools such as AI (ChatGPT, QuillBot, Turnitin, Grammarly) to assist in manuscript preparation while maintaining publication ethics.

The discussion, in the form of a Q&A session, was the conclusion of the material presented by the REACH Chairman. The participants’ enthusiasm was evident in this session, with one participant from NTT asking several questions such as how to present research problems in the manuscript to be written, how to identify predatory journals, how to increase citation numbers using academic networking media like Academia and ResearchGate, and how about publishing in Scopus-indexed journals with or without APC.

Join us in future events to gain valuable insights from REACH in advancing your research and publishing it, thus contributing to the broader mission of improving public health.

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