Research Center REACH

Shaping Futures in Community/Public Health Nursing Educationand Supporting Health Equity

Intended Audience

Public health and community health nursing educators, public health leaders, public health nurses, and students and partners interested in public health, health equity, population health, social determinants of health, and other public health issues.


To provide a scholarly and supportive community for those committed to excellence and innovation in community/public/population health nursing education, research, and practice.

2025 Conference Objectives

  1. Derive innovative pedagogical approaches to community/public/population health nursing education;
  2. Debate the implications and influence of community/public health nursing education on current and emerging academic program and workforce needs;
  3. Explore the effects of historical, social, and physical contexts on population with a focus on how health equity intersects with these contexts to shape health outcomes and disparities; 
  4. Highlight new science and evidence to support best practices in community/public health nursing education and practice;
  5. Examine innovative community/academic partnerships and their impact on nursing education and workforce development; and
  6. Critique the implications and effects of recent social and political events on community/public/population health education.

Submit Your Abstract for the 2025 ACHNE Annual Institute: Shaping Futures in Community/Public Health Education & Supporting Health Equity

Columbia, SC, June 4 – 7, 2025

Start Your Submission

Download the ACHNE 2025 Annual Institute Abstract Solicitation and Instructions here.

The Deadline to submit your abstract is November 20, 2024. 

Abstract submitters will be notified of decisions by December 20, 2024.  Visit for more information.

Abstracts are invited for presentations on original research, practice-based research, innovative teaching strategies, and other topics related to the conference theme. Abstracts will be reviewed by a panel of experts and selected based on their relevance to the conference theme, originality, and potential to contribute to the field of community/public/population health nursing.

Members of all levels of ACHNE are invited to submit your abstract.


Complete and submit one submission per presentation. Please indicate your preference for a podium presentation (15 minutes), symposium (30 minutes), plenary presentation (60 minutes), or ePoster. Please ensure the abstract is submitted completely, indicated by a completion message and abstract submission summary email immediately following the submission.

The submitter will receive confirmation of receipt. Revisions to abstracts cannot be accepted after the deadline of November 20, 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted. *Communications will be directed to the submitter only.

Required Components

Required components:

  1. Presentation title
  2. Lead presenter and abstract contact name, credentials, job title or role (e.g., student), organization, address, phone number, email, (*All communication about the abstract will be sent only to the submitter only).
  3. Additional presenters, job title or role (e.g., student), organization, address, phone number and email (up to 5 additional presenters)
  4. Short biographical sketches for each presenter
  5. Conflict of Interest fields completed for all authors as directed by the submission form
  6. Preferred session format (podium, symposium, plenary, or ePoster)
  7. Learning outcomes (up to 5), using ANCC’s revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
  8. Abstract text should include these components (500 word maximum)
  9. Background
  10. Purpose
  11. Methods
  12. Results
  13. Conclusions
  14. Implications/relevance for public health
  15. Brief description of session or poster that will appeal to attendees and may be used for the conference program (no more than 50 words)
  16. Target audience (what type of professional would be most interested in your session/poster)
  17. Level of session/poster (beginning, intermediate, advanced)
  18. Special accommodations needed for presenters

You will not be able to submit your abstract if there is any missing information in your submission.

If accepted for a plenary presentation, ACHNE will request your PowerPoint a few weeks prior to the conference. Symposium and Podium presenters will be required to upload their pre-recorded presentation prior to the conference in addition to presenting in person.  Posters will be created in our ePoster platform Learning Toolbox and authors will be expected to attend in person on the day of their poster reception.

All accepted abstracts are expected to have at least one author with ACHNE membership, and at least one presenter attend the Annual Institute in person. Paid Registration is REQUIRED to attend the Annual Institute.  Virtual presentations are not available for the 2025 AI. 

Please feel free to contact the ACHNE office with any questions: or 937-586-3727

Professor Parveen Ali, Editor In Chief, International Nursing Review at ICN, Mempertegas Agregat Khusus dalam komunitas yang terabaikan

Artikel ini membahas pengalaman perawat migran sebagai konsumen layanan kesehatan di negara penerima mereka. Meskipun memiliki latar belakang profesional di bidang kesehatan, perawat migran sering menghadapi hambatan dalam mengakses layanan kesehatan, seperti kurangnya pemahaman budaya lokal, kesulitan komunikasi, dan diskriminasi. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin baik akulturasi perawat migran, semakin positif pengalaman mereka dalam menerima layanan kesehatan, namun ini dimediasi oleh hambatan dalam akses layanan.

Lebih jauh, artikel ini menyoroti bagaimana pekerja migran, termasuk perawat, memberikan kontribusi besar terhadap sistem kesehatan negara penerima, tetapi menghadapi tantangan dalam mengakses layanan kesehatan untuk diri mereka sendiri. Meskipun mereka membantu mengatasi kekurangan tenaga kesehatan, perawat migran sering merasa kurang dihargai dan mengalami diskriminasi, yang memengaruhi kesejahteraan fisik dan mental mereka.

More info:

Keberpihakan Pada Agregat Perawat Migran

Didalam komunitas, agregat khusus seringkali terabaikan dan tidak mendapatkan tempat dalam riset dan kebijakan. Oleh sebab itu Research Excellent in Advancing Community Health (REACH) dan The Association of Community Health Nurse Educators (ACHNE) menjalin kerjasama strategis dalam upaya mengembangkan penelitian di bidang keperawatan komunitas. Kolaborasi ini diharapkan dapat memperkuat inovasi dan advokasi dalam bidang keperawatan komunitas, serta memberikan dampak nyata bagi masyarakat luas.

ACHNE merilis white paper baru berjudul “Reimagining Graduate Education for Advanced Public Health Nursing (APHN).” Dokumen ini membahas perlunya transformasi program master dan doktoral untuk memenuhi tuntutan praktik kesehatan masyarakat yang terus berkembang. White paper ini mencakup analisis kritis pendidikan APHN saat ini, tren emerging dalam kesehatan masyarakat, serta rekomendasi untuk pengembangan kurikulum dan strategi untuk meningkatkan keragaman, kesetaraan, dan inklusi dalam program APHN.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, Anda dapat mengunjungi ACHNE.

Dokumen ini membahas tentang Keperawatan Kesehatan Komunitas Lanjut (APHN) yang memiliki peran penting dalam meningkatkan hasil kesehatan populasi melalui kepemimpinan, kebijakan, dan intervensi komunitas. APHN menggabungkan keterampilan dalam epidemiologi, promosi kesehatan, dan kesehatan komunitas untuk mengatasi disparitas kesehatan. Permintaan APHN meningkat, terutama selama krisis kesehatan seperti pandemi COVID-19. Tantangan yang dihadapi termasuk kesenjangan gaji, terbatasnya program pascasarjana, dan hilangnya sertifikasi APHN. Laporan ini merekomendasikan pengembangan lebih lanjut pendidikan dan pendanaan untuk memperkuat peran APHN dalam memimpin inisiatif kesehatan masyarakat serta meningkatkan kesetaraan kesehatan.

Poin-poin utama:

  1. Peran APHN: Menggabungkan keperawatan dan kesehatan masyarakat untuk menilai, mengembangkan, dan menerapkan intervensi di tingkat populasi.
  2. Kebutuhan APHN: Sangat dibutuhkan untuk memperkuat koneksi antara ilmu kesehatan masyarakat dan perawatan medis, terutama dalam hal SDoH (Social Determinants of Health).
  3. Pendidikan: Pendidikan lanjutan di bidang kesehatan masyarakat sangat penting untuk mempersiapkan APHN agar bisa memimpin di sektor kesehatan masyarakat.
  4. Tantangan: Kekurangan tenaga kerja dan kurangnya sertifikasi APHN, bersama dengan kesenjangan gaji, menjadi hambatan besar dalam pengembangan profesi ini.
  5. Rekomendasi: Mendorong investasi dalam pendidikan APHN, dukungan pemerintah untuk perekrutan dan pelatihan tenaga kerja, serta penekanan pada promosi kesehatan berbasis populasi dan kesetaraan kesehatan.

Kerjasama ini menandai awal dari banyak inisiatif penting di masa depan yang akan membawa dampak positif bagi komunitas keperawatan dan masyarakat luas di Indonesia dan seluruh dunia. Di tahap awal fitur berita mengenai advokasi agregat perawat migran ini akan dirilis dalam website ACHNE untuk menunjukkan kontribusinya dalam pengembangan kesehatan agregat khusus.

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