Research Center REACH

RESEARCH ARTICLE Determinants of contraceptive use among married women in Indonesia [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]


RESEARCH ARTICLE Determinants of contraceptive use among married women in Indonesia [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]

Alfian Gafar , Dewi Elizadiani Suza , Ferry Efendi , Eka Mishbahatul Mar’ah Has , Ahmad Putro Pramono , Ika Adelia Susanti


Background: Contraceptives in family planning are used to control the timings between pregnancies. Although the number of those using family planning has increased, determinants of contraceptive use among married women in Indonesia remain insufficient. This research aimed to identify the factors associated with contraceptive use among married women in Indonesia.
Methods: This study employed data from the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey 2017. We selected 35,621 married women aged 15–49 years. Then, the determinants of contraceptive use among married women in Indonesia were examined by binary logistic regression.
Results: Women’s age (Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR)=0.529; 95% CI=0.470–0.597), the number of living children (AOR=44.024; 95% CI=33.193–58.390), education level (adjusted odds ratio=2.800; 95% CI=2.181–3.594), wealth index (AOR=1.104; 95% CI=0.978–1.246), frequency of watching television (AOR=1.555; 95% CI=1.321–1.829), and frequency of using the Internet (AOR=0.856; 95% CI=0.794–0.924) were significantly associated with contraceptive use among married women.
Conclusions: This study highlights the determinants of contraceptive use among married women in Indonesia. Women’s age, the number of living children, education level, wealth index, and access to information may influence contraceptive use among these women. This study emphasizes that health education and promotion on the importance of using contraception should be initiated in innovative ways.


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