Enter the WHO- Regional Office for South-East Asia Photo Contest World Aids Day 2011 HIV prevention, treatment and care In the WHO South-East Asia Region
(Focus on high-risk groups, pregnant woman and parent-to-child transmission of HIV)
Deadline for submission: October 2011 (check with your WHO country office)
Best photo awarded a certificate, trophy & cash/gift
How to enter
Send in your photos on the subject, in digital format (1 mb, 300 dpi, 2500 pixels), with your name, address, profession and contact details, as well as a scanned copy of the signed consent form (or written consent of the subject being photographed), to your nearest WHO office, by Oct 2011. Detailed rules of the contest are given below.
Rules and Regulations
Consent Form [PDF 25 KB]
More info http://www.searo.who.int/en/Section10/Section18_16124.htm