“A preceptor is a person who teaches, counsels, inspires, serves as a role model and supports the growth and development of an individual (the novice) for a fixed and limited amount of time with the specific purpose of socializing the novice into a new role.” (Morrow, 1984)
Preceptors may work with one or several students. The preceptor may be the primary day-to-day agency contact for the student or assist in connecting the student(s) with others in the agency. The agency and the faculty member should jointly decide on the specific arrangements for the preceptor-student relationship.
• Willingness to share professional values, beliefs, and skills with the student
• A passion for public health nursing and a desire to share the practice with others
• A strong knowledge of population-based public health nursing
• Experience as a public health nurse with ability to convey the essential components of the public health nursing role to students
• Effective verbal and written communication skills, including the ability to listen
and ask questions
• Well organized and dependable
• Strong problem solving skills
Morrow, K. L. (1984). Preceptorships In Nursing Staff Development. Rockville, MD: Aspen systems