We’ve learned over the past several months that the most at-risk people for Ebola during an outbreak are healthcare workers and those in close contact with infected individuals. It is critical that, for our own safety as well as that of our patients, we are aware of the latest information and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization. In addition, the American Hospital Association has requested that continuing education providers, like Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, make this essential information related toEbola Virus Disease identification and infection control procedures accessible to our readers and CE participants.
You can find more news, clinical information, and resources about Ebola virus disease. In addition, our continuing education team brings you the CE module, What You Need to Know AboutEbola Virus Disease. Earn 2 FREE contact hours by viewing this activity and taking the associated test.
Thank you,
Lisa M. Bonsall, MSN, RN, CRNP
Clinical Editor, NursingCenter.com