Research Center REACH

Kursus PBB untuk Hukum Internasional (Tersedia beasiswa penuh)


The Codification Division of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs organizes the United Nations Regional Courses in International Law for Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean.

The organization of these courses is subject to available funding.

The Regional Courses provide high-quality training by leading scholars and practitioners on a broad range of core subjects of international law, as well as specific subjects of particular interest to the countries in a given region. In addition, the interactive nature of the training allows the participants to share experiences and exchange ideas, which promotes greater understanding and cooperation on legal matters in the region.

The Regional Courses are intended to enable qualified professionals, in particular government officials and teachers of international law from developing countries and countries with emerging economies, to deepen their knowledge of international law and of the legal work of the United Nations and its associated bodies.

Course content
The Regional Courses consist of seminars given by prominent international law scholars and practitioners from different regions and legal systems.

The Regional Courses may include seminars on the following topics:

  • Introduction to international law
  • Treaty law
  • State responsibility
  • International peace and security
  • Peaceful settlement of international disputes
  • Diplomatic and consular law
  • International organizations
  • United Nations institutions and law making
  • The Work of the International Law Commission
  • African Union law and institutions
  • Organization of American States law and institutions
  • International human rights law
  • Movements of persons
  • International humanitarian law
  • International criminal law
  • International environmental law
  • International watercourses
  • Law of the sea
  • International trade law
  • International investment law
  • Legal research
  • Legal drafting

The Regional Courses are conducted in the form of interactive seminars and discussions to allow a maximum exchange of views. The participants are required to contribute to the discussions on the various topics included in the curriculum of the Regional Courses.

A comprehensive set of training materials is provided for each participant at the beginning of the Regional Course.

Certificates are awarded only to those participants who have completed the Regional Course in its entirety.

The United Nations Regional Courses in International Law were launched under the United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law, established by General Assembly resolution 2099 (XX) of 20 December 1965 and most recently mandated by General Assembly resolution 69/117 of 10 December 2014.

The Regional Courses have been held periodically since 1967 depending on the willingness of a Government to host such a course and voluntary contributions for funding the course. To date, twenty-nine Regional Courses have been held in various countries.

The 2016 Regional Course in International Law for Asia-Pacific is organized by the Codification Division of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs in cooperation with Thailand and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).

The Regional Course will be held at the facilities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok, from 21 November to 16 December 2016. The Regional Course will be conducted in English. The course will accommodate up to 30 participants.

Applications for the 2016 Regional Course for Asia-Pacific are currently being accepted. The deadline for applications is 13 November 2015.

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