Research centre REACH

Kemitraan Ekonomi Indonesia Jepang


Kemitraan Ekonomi Indonesia Jepang atau dikenal dengan istilah Indonesia Japan Economic Partnership Agreement merupakan kerjasama yang diharapkan menguntungkan kedua belah pihak. Namun sejalan dengan perkembangannya, banyak isu kompleks yang terkait dengan migrasi tenaga kesehatan Indonesia ke Jepang. Apa saja tantangan serta masalah etik yang terkait? Bagaimana peran stakeholder domestik dalam penempatan perawat Indonesia ke Jepang? Opsi kebijakan apa sajakah yang bisa diambil untuk mendukung keberlanjutan program ini? Silahkan disimak di artikel dibawah ini:

IJEPA: Gray Area for Health Policy and International Nurse Migration

Published at Nursing Ethics Journal, Impact Factor:1.247 | Ranking:Nursing (SSCI) 32 out of 108 | Nursing (SCI) 36 out of 110 , SCOPUS indexed.



Indonesia is recognized as a nurse exporting country, with policies that encourage nursing professionals to emigrate abroad. This includes the country’s adoption of international principles attempting to protect Indonesian nurses that emigrate as well as the country’s own participation in a bilateral trade and investment agreement, known as the Indonesia–Japan Economic Partnership Agreement that facilitates Indonesian nurse migration to Japan. Despite the potential trade and employment benefits from sending nurses abroad under the Indonesia–Japan Economic Partnership Agreement, Indonesia itself is suffering from a crisis in nursing capacity and ensuring adequate healthcare access for its own populations. This represents a distinct challenge for Indonesia in appropriately balancing domestic health workforce needs, employment, and training opportunities for Indonesian nurses, and the need to acknowledge the rights of nurses to freely migrate abroad. Hence, this article reviews the complex operational and ethical issues associated with Indonesian health worker migration under the Indonesia–Japan Economic Partnership Agreement. It also introduces a policy proposal to improve performance of the Indonesia–Japan Economic Partnership Agreement and better align it with international principles focused on equitable health worker migration.

Full article here:


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