Dear Sir/Madam,
Makara Journal of Science (MJS) are organizing a Makara Journal of Science Research Colloquium 2014 on November 19, 2014.
We are delighted to invite scientists who are working in the area of Basic science (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics) to attend Makara Journal of Science Research Colloquium 2014. This colloquium is Free of Charge. However, due to limited number of seats, seminar and workshop session registration will be available on a first come first served basis. Seminar is limited to 100 participants while Workshop is limited to 15 (fifteen) participants and will be selected based on the content of their submitted abstracts. The selected participants will received partial travel grant (Ticket & Accomodations with IDR. 3000.000).
Registration (online only): until November 7th, 2014.
Submission Deadline: October 31, 2014
extended toNovember 7, 2014
Acceptance Notification: November 12, 2014
Register now and get the travel grant!!. Please share this call for paper with your friends and colleagues through forwarding e-mail.
With best wishes,
Editorial Assistant
Makara Journal of Science
The call for paper find below this e-mail.
Makara Journal of Science Research Colloquium
November 19, 2014 – UI Central Library ~ The Crystal of Knowledge
Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Makara Journal of Science (MJS) ( is one of international reputable scientific journals, as it has indexed in DOAJ, AGRICOLA, and Google Scholar, and it is also nationally accreditated by Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education. We are delighted to invite young scientists from ASEAN Countries who are working in the area of Basic science (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics) to attend Makara Journal of Science Research Colloquium 2014.
The objectives of this Colloquium are to provide fundamental knowledge to young scientists on how develop grand design research and to prepare Scientific publication, and to give coaching clinic for young scientists to prepare their articles to be ready published in Makara Journal of Science.
Keynote Speaker
- Prof. Arben Merkoci – Nanobioelectrics and Biosensors Group, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), Barcelona, Spain.
Topic: “How to Develop Grand Design Research: Trend Topics in Nanobiotechnology”
- Dr. Rahmat Wibowo – Researcher & Lecturer at Universitas Indonesia
Topic: “Sharing Experience in Scientific Publication”
Coaching clinic on scientific writing for selected participants.
Submitted Paper
Original research or theoretical papers on new knowledge and research or research applications on current issues in basic sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics).
Journal Publication
Selected papers will be published in Makara journal of Science.
Submit your paper to: sciencecolloquium2014 or makara.jsci
Contact Information:
Makara Journal of Science Secretariat
Directorate Research and Community Engagement
Universitas Indonesia
UI Campus, Depok, 16424
Phone: +62 – 21 – 7270 152
Fax: +62 – 21 – 7884 9119
E-mail: editor_mss, makara.jsci