Research centre REACH



1) Senior Expert Evidence Based Medicine, ECDC, Stockholm, Sweden: in general Lead and coordinate activities related to the assessment, evaluation and application of the methods of Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) in the area of public health, particularly regarding infectious diseases;
Deadline for application: 17 October, 2011
For more information: see attached job description for more details
2) Statistician for German FETP programme, RKI, Berlin, Germany: für die methodische Betreuung der Teilnehmer/innen an der Postgraduiertenausbildung für angewandte Epidemiologie (PAE) und des in das Ausbildungsprogramm integrierten Master of Science in Applied Epidemiology (MSAE). Person should have excellent working knowledge of German and English.
Deadline for application: 7 October, 2011
For more information: see attached job description
3) Professor, infectious disease epidemiology and epidemiological methods, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI), Braunschweig, Germany: The Department for Epidemiology (Professor Dr. med. Gérard Krause) in the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) invites applications in a joint appointment with Hannover Medical School (MHH) for Professorship Infectious Disease Epidemiology (Professorial Grade W2) and head of the research group Epidemiological Methods The Department for Epidemiology at HZI conducts epidemiological research in the field of infectious diseases to identify risk factors, develop and evaluate pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical prevention methods. In the framework of the new national cohort of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres 200.000 participants will be accompanied over several decades. The research group Epidemiological Methods will be involved in the conceptual and analytical work of the cohort, studies in molecular epidemiology and other research in infectious disease epidemiology.
Deadline for application: 28 October, 2011
For more information: see attached PDF job description
4) Senior epidemiologists, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI), Braunschweig, Germany: The newly founded department of Epidemiology at HZI conducts epidemiological research in the field of infectious diseases to identify risk factors, develop and evaluate pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical prevention methods. In the framework of the new national cohort of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres 200.000 participants will be accompanied over several decades. The research group Epidemiological Methods will be involved in the conceptual and analytical work of the cohort, studies in molecular epidemiology and other research in infectious disease epidemiology.
> Deadline for application: 28 October, 2011
> For more information: or in English:
> 5) Flu Program Epidemiologist, CTS Global, Jakarta, Indonesia.
> Deadline for application: no deadline stated
> For more information:
> 6) Senior Evaluation Epidemiologist, CTS Global, Lusaka, Zambia.
> Deadline for application: no deadline stated
> For more information:
> 7) Various jobs in the UK – please click on the links below for more information:
> · Lecturer in Infection and Global Health, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Institute of Infection and Global Health, University of Liverpool:
> · Lecturer in Infection and Cancer, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Institute of Infection and Global Health University of Liverpool:
> · Field Epidemiology Manager – Cambridge MRC Epidemiology Unit:
> · Senior Lecturer in South Asian Health, Faculty of Epidemiology & Population Health, Department of Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine:
> · Deputy Course Director: Distance Learning MSc Epidemiology (0.4 FTE), Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine:
> · Clinical Research Fellow, MRC Clinical Trial Service Unit & Epidemiological Studies Unit (CTSU), University of Oxford:
> · Research Fellow in Systematic Reviews (part-time),Faculty of Epidemiology & Population Health, Department of Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine:
> · Imperial Centre for Patient Experience Research Statistical Analyst (Research Assistant/ Research Associate), School of Public Health, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Imperial College London:
> · Senior Lecturer, Epidemiology, Hull York Medical School, University of York:
> 8) Nutrition expert, Medecins du Monde, Brussels, Belgium: Ce poste constitue un appui particulier et prioritaire au projet nutrition lancé à Gao (Mali) dans la cadre de la réponse à la crise alimentaire sévissant dans la région du Sahel. L’appui portera essentiellement sur les résultats 1, 2 et 4 mentionnés ci-dessus. Concernant le résultat 3 il s’agira uniquement de coordination avec l’ONG AVSF qui est en charge de réaliser ce résultat. Néanmoins, si d’autres projets nutrition venaient à être lancés, ces tâches et responsabilités s’étendraient de facto à ces autres contextes visés. De plus, selon l’expertise et l’expérience du candidat, le suivi d’autres dossiers dans le domaine de la santé pourront également lui être confiés.
> Deadline for application: 10 October, 2011
> For more information : see attached descirption and send motivivation letter and CV to :
> 9) Consultant for WHO: WHO (Global Polio Eradication programme) is looking for a consultant to carry out an LQA survey in order to assess the level of performance of a polio vaccination campaign in Chad. The consultancy is planned for 19 Oct – 10 Nov. The consultant will have to develop the protocol, train the national staff, organise their deployment, supervise the field activities, analyse the results and produce a report.
> Qualifications requested:
> · Fluent in French
> · Independant, with experience of LQA (guidelines will be provided)
> · WHO – country level -experience would be an asset
> For more information, please contact: Liliane Boualam:


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