Bagi akademisi, peneliti ataupun masyarakat umum yang tertarik melakukan penelitian dengan tema terkait negara Jepang. Yayasan SUMITOMO Jepang membuka kesempatan luas bagi masyarakat Indonesia untuk berkompetisi dengan mengirimkan proposal yang diminta. Adapun syarat serta ketentuan lebih lanjut bisa dilihat di tautan berikut:
Japan-related research grant program
Purpose of the Program: |
The program aims at enhancing mutual understanding between Asian countries and Japan through promoting research projects in the field of the social sciences or humanities that are related to Japan. |
Eligible Projects for Application: |
Any research project to be carried out by individual or a group in the field of the social sciences or humanities that is related to Japan. |
Qualification of Applicant: |
Researcher shall be of Southeast or East Asian (non Japanese) nationality, living outside Japan. Awarded researcher must conduct the proposed research by himself or herself. |
Fiscal 2015 Program: |
Application period :?September 1 ? October 31, 2015 |
Grant period : |
One year (April 2016 through March 2017), but can be extended by another one year maximum upon request. |
Grant budget : |
Approx.\50 million in total, with 80 projects to be selected |
Application: |
The Application Form, the Application Guide and the Instruction Sheet for Fiscal 2015 attached below.
(You need Adobe Reader to open PDF files.)
The Application for Form duly filled in and signed shall be submitted together with a letter of recommendation, free-form from a person with an academic background by international courier or registered airmail. |
Language for Application: | ||||||
English or Japanese | ||||||
Selection: | ||||||
The selection of applications will be made by the Foundation’s Selection?Committee made up of certain persons of high academic standing. Based on such determination, the Foundation’s Board of Directors will approve the grant. |
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