Bagi perawat Indonesia yang tertarik mengikuti NCLEX test ke luar negeri bisa mendapatkan informasinya di bawah ini, juga ada software tutorial online yang bisa didownload (NCLEX software)
The NCLEX® Examination
Under the guidance of its membership, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. (NCSBN®) develops and administers two national nurse licensure examinations; the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN®) and the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN®). These two examinations are used by the Boards of Nursing to test entry-level nursing competence of candidates for licensure as Registered Nurses and as Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses. The NCLEX examinations are provided exclusively as computerized adaptive tests.
The 2011 NCLEX-PN®
Test Plan was approved at the NCSBN Delegate Assembly in August 2010 and was posted on the NCSBN website, /1287.htm, shortly thereafter. This new test plan goes into effect on April 1, 2011. The format of the test plan was retained and only minor edits were made for currency and clarification.
The fee for taking the NCLEX examination is $200. You will also have to pay other licensure fees required by the board of nursing in the jurisdiction in which you are applying. If you choose to schedule your NCLEX examination at a test center outside of the U.S.*, you will have to pay an additional international scheduling fee of $150, and where applicable, a Value Added Tax (VAT). After registering, candidates who want to change the board of nursing where licensure was requested or the type of examination requested (RN/PN) will be required to pay a $50 change fee.
For more information about fees and policies go to There will be no refund of registration fees (mail, telephone, or via the Internet) for any reason.
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