Research Center REACH

Factors associated with complete immunizations coverage among Indonesian children aged 12–23 months


Factors associated with complete immunizations coverage among Indonesian children aged 12–23 months

Ferry Efendi, Dwida Rizki Pradiptasiwia, Ilya Krisnanab, Tiyas Kusumaningrumb, Anna Kurniatic, Mahendra Tri Arif Sampurnad, Sarni Maniar Berlianae


Immunization is one of the most cost-e?ective health interventions to prevents illness, disability and death associated with communicable disease. This study aimed to identify factors associated with completed recommended childhood immunizations in children aged 12–23 months in Indonesia. This study used data from the Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2012 with a multistage cluster sampling procedures. A total data from 3,231 mothers with children of 12–23 months of age were extracted from dataset. Mothers’ self-reported data along with vaccination cards determined vaccine coverage. This study found the prevalence of complete immunization status for their age cohort was 37.4%. The highest immunization coverage was BCG (86.9%) and the lowest coverage was hepatitis B3 (46.2%). The multiple logistic regression showed that mothers with a ?rst born child are 2.84 times more likely to fully vaccinate their children compared to mothers with ?6 children. Mothers in the lowest economic level, delivered in non-health facilities, attended antenatal care less than four were less likely to fully vaccinate these children. Meanwhile, mother who delivered by professional assistants was signi?cantly associated with complete immunization status of their children. Appropriate strategies should be designed targeting high-risk group including culturally approached to address immunization completion and improved accessibility in various provinces within the country.


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