Research Center REACH

Expression of Interest on Policy Mapping and Analysis on Rural Retention Policy


The Asia Pacific Action Alliance on Human Resources for Health (AAAH) has been initiated since 2005 and was
officially established in 2006 in response to international recognition of the need for global and regional action
to strengthen country capacity for health (HRH) planning and actions.

The 6th AAAH Annual Conference during November, 9th-11th, 2011 in Cebu, the Philippines, serving as
a regional platform for HRH knowledge sharing, brought a better understanding on HRH situation in 16 AAAH member countries.

Having discussed in the conference, a number of challenges in HRH development were raised into attention. In
2010, 7 out of 16 AAAH countries had a number of health workforces (HWF) below the World Health
Organization (WHO) benchmark of 2.28 per 1,000 populations, in addition to critical shortage, mal-distribution
between rural and urban area was still pronounced in most countries.

Though, most AAAH countries has established HRH strategic plans in increasing HRH in remote and rural areas,
there is a lack of thorough assessment whether the interventions or strategies on promoting rural retention work and identification of areas for policy or operational improvement are needed.

In the summary session of the 6th AAAH Annual Conference, realizing these problems, there is a need for investigating and generating better understanding on a number of common challenges in the region. The AAAH
member countries will report the progress and result of the research findings in the next AAAH Annual
Conference in Bangladesh, in December 2012.

Possible activities to be conducted under the call Activities conducted under this program are likely to focus on the country situation, which comprise;

1. Critically describe and provide a brief assessment of various existing policies on rural retention with reference, but not limited, to the sixteen WHO global recommendations on rural retention of health workers in
the country
2. Establish WHO and/or criterion to prioritize the rural retention policies and prioritize three most critical policies for further in-depth assessment In-depth assessment on the three priority policies
3. Provide a policy brief on rural retention policies as well as their evolution and future challenges

Eligibility to apply
Team of researchers who is eligible to apply this Expression of Interest (EOI) has to;

1. Work in the AAAH member countries
2. Have expertise in health policy and system research
3. Have ability in both qualitative and quantitative data collection, analysis and writing up
Engage with or access to policy makers involved in the development or implementation of rural retention policies

Selection process
Application form and pre-proposal can be requested at All applications must be
submitted to the AAAH secretariat via email by March 16th 2012, 12.00 pm (Bangkok time) in the header of the
email please put ?EOI: Rural Retention Policies (country name)?. The AAAH secretariat will notify all applicants
of receipt of their application.

Applications will be selected and reviewed by a group of technical experts approved by the AAAH steering committee.

Applicants will be notified as to whether or not they have been selected for participation in the proposal development workshop tentatively during 22-26 April 2012 in Bangkok.


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