Research Center REACH

Call for papers open for conference ‘Inequality – measurement, trends, impacts, and policy’



Call for papers

Many low- and middle-income countries are achieving good rates of economic growth, but high inequality remains a priority concern. Some countries meanwhile have low growth, high inequality, and pervasive poverty?often linked to their fragility. There is now an active debate on whether countries should set themselves goals for not only achieving absolute poverty reduction, but also lower inequality. But policy action needs to be better served by analysis and data.

This conference on ‘Inequality – measurement, trends, impacts, and policies’ focuses on the latest developments in the measurement of inequality in income, wealth, and human development, drawing also on advances in measurements in the advanced economies. It will examine what we know about trends in inequality. It will discuss the impact of inequality on development, and the impact of development on inequality. And as the global development debate moves from the Millennium Development Goals to the post-2015 development agenda, the conference will draw out the implications of inequality for development policy and poverty reduction. This includes ways to develop efficient and equitable social protection and tax systems for redistribution. The conference will share country and regional experiences in containing and reducing inequality, including those from advanced economies as well as low- and middle-income countries.

Papers are invited on the following aspects of the issues:

  • theoretical and conceptual papers;
  • country case studies;
  • regional comparative papers; and
  • papers on the political, economic, and policy dimensions of inequality and its reduction.

Submission procedure and deadlines

Interested participants, who wish to present original research, should complete the online application form, include an updated CV, and submit a full paper or an extended abstract. The abstract should include the research question that will be addressed, the main methods and data that will be utilized, the anticipated findings, and the larger implications of the research.

The deadline for submitting abstracts/full papers is 15 May 2014. In the case of accepted abstracts, full papers will be required by 1 August 2014.

Papers accepted through this call for papers will be considered for publication in the UNU-WIDER Working Paper series and possible further academic publication emanating from this conference. Sponsored participants accepted through this call for papers are expected to transfer copyright of their paper to UNU-WIDER, if selected for publication after review.

The conference is intended for researchers and policy makers from the academic, government, and development communities. Female and developing country participants are encouraged to apply. The conference will be held in English. Simultaneous translation will not be available.

Those wishing to attend without presenting (e.g. PhD students, journalists) should also submit the online application form and briefly explain (under ‘Remarks’) their interest in the conference and attach their CV.

Accepted applicants will be informed.

Financial support

Subject to UN procedures, the participants costs of travel, accommodation, etc. will be considered by UNU-WIDER. Support can be provided for one person per paper and preference will be given to those from developing countries. There is no conference fee.

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