Research Center REACH

Call for Papers: 5th AAAH Conference, Bali, Indonesia 4-6 October 2010


The Asia-Pacific Action Alliance on Human Resources for Health (AAAH) is organizing the 5th AAAH conference in 4-6 October 2010, in Bali, Indonesia. The theme of this Conference will be “HRH Challenges for Achieving MDGs”

The Conference aims to address and discuss HRH challenges to achieving MDGs and provide input to the planning for the 2nd Global Forum which will be held in January 2011 in Bangkok, Thailand.

The participants will be drawn from 15 AAAH member countries, and from different African / Asian countries. A minimum of 2-3 participants per AAAH member country, depending on budget availability, are expected and representatives from about 8-10 African countries.
For each country/region a multi-stakeholder team will participate, which may include various interest groups such as the Ministry of Health, professionals, academia, government, non government organizations, and the private sector. It is anticipated that around 150 participants will attend the conference.

1. Innovative education to support MDGs
2. SEAR Lancet series and the HRH
3. Private sector and HRH education towards MDGs
4. The code of practice for international recruitment of health personnel
5. The M/E of the KD and AGA
6. HRH and the UHC
7. Teaching of Public Health
8. Quality Assurance of HRH education and regulation
9. Continuing Professional Development
10. Community Health Workers

Each case study should not exceed 3,000 words with an abstract of less than 500 words in Word format (.doc), excluding tables, figures and references. Papers submitted should fall under one of the Conference themes. The paper should be in Verdana 12 font with single spacing. The content of the paper should include the following sections:
1. The background
2. The conceptual framework
3. The description and main results of the case or cases
4. The lessons learnt
5. Proposal for regional or global actions.
The papers will be reviewed by the technical committee of the AAAH.

The deadline for submission of an abstract is 5 July 2010. The case will then be reviewed by the Conference’s technical committee. Authors of selected abstracts will be asked to submit full papers and will be invited and funded to present their cases in the Conference. All contributors will be informed of the decision by 19 July 2010.


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