We are pleased to announce the Call for Abstract for the 8th AAAH Conference 2014. The conference theme is “Move ahead: Strengthening HRH strategies and action towards UHC in post-2015 era”. Abstracts must be submitted electronically (in file format of .txt, .doc, .docx, .pdf, and .zip) through the Abstract Upload menu.
Abstracts should be a maximum of 300 words and should follow one of the following formats:
Format A: Case Study (Abstract: Must include objective, methods, results, conclusion(s), and policy implications
Format B. Research Study (Abstract: Must include objective, methods, results, conclusion(s), and policy implication)
Date for submission
Final deadline for abstract submission: Monday 30th June 2014 at 17.00 hrs (Thailand Local time, GMT+7)
Announcement of results: 7th July 2014
More info: http://www.mbedcraft.com/aaah/?q=content/call-abstracts