Research Center REACH



The Asia Research Institute (ARI) of the National University of Singapore (NUS) invites applications from citizens of Asian countries currently enrolled in a fulltime Master’s or PhD degrees at a university in an Asian country (except Singapore) for consideration for the award of Asian Graduate Student Fellowships. Offered to graduate students working in the Humanities and Social Sciences on Southeast Asian topics, the fellowship will allow the recipients to be based at NUS for an ‘in residence fellowship’ for a period of six (6) weeks. The aim of the fellowship is to enable scholars to make full use of the wide range of resources held in the libraries of NUS and the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. The fellowship will commence on 18 May 2015, and scholars are expected to make a presentation on their work at the “Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies” to be organised at the end of June 2015.


1. A pro-rated monthly allowance based on SGD1,250 (inclusive of the portion to be paid towards your accommodation).
2. Reimbursement for cost of Training Employment Pass and Visa fees.
3. A one-time round trip travel subsidy by the most economical and direct route (via budget airline if available) on a reimbursement basis upon being accepted for the fellowship.
4. Access to library and computer resources on campus. You can look forward to excellent library and internet computer facilities at NUS’ main library (, the library at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) ( and the Lee Kong Chian Reference Library at the National Library ( to facilitate your research for the dissertation. NUS’ main library has 2 million volumes covering all topics while ISEAS’ library has 200,000 on Southeast Asian topics, half of which are in Southeast Asian languages.
5. 3 working days of leave.
6. Exposure to seminars by various experts in the field.
7. A mentor/advisor will be appointed based on candidate’s research topic.


Interested applicants are invited to e-mail:

1. Application form (please click here to download forms)
2. A 2-page outline of your research proposal in English (this may be accompanied by a longer statement in a Southeast Asian language). The 2-page research proposal must include the following details:
a) whether the data collection or fieldwork stage of the research has already been completed;
b) how the fellowship will contribute to the research;
c) the types of sources to be consulted in Singapore;
d) proposed work plan during the fellowship.
3. Two letters of reference, one of which is from your principal thesis supervisor must be sent confidentially to the same e-mail address by the deadline of 15 November 2014.

Please send the complete application documents to Mdm Kalaichelvi at arikk by 15 November 2014.

Please indicate in your subject line, “Asian Graduate Student Fellowship 2015”. Only shortlisted or successful candidates will be notified.


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