Research Center REACH

LeAnn Thieman, Speaker Hall of Fame, Nurse, Author


“I’m going to live my life differently after hearing you today.” That’s how one healthcare CEO summed up his reaction after hearing LeAnn’s powerful keynote sharing life-changing lessons from her Operation Babylift adventure. Imagine bombs falling and 100 little babies laying three and four to a cardboard box, strapped in the belly of a gutted cargo jet! Believing we all have individual “war zones,” LeAnn shares tools for life balance, living priorities, and making a difference in the world.

“LeAnn literally pulled the audience into her journey and left participants with the clear message that while serving children and others they can make a difference with their efforts. Conference participants connected with her, and in a most sincere and generous way, LeAnn connected with them.” – D.T., Texas Association of School Boards

“Our employee network needed something to spark revitalization, and LeAnn provided that spark. The results were far greater than anything we had dared to hope for. She had the audience mesmerized!” – P.F., Kodak

While health organizations and women groups are an obvious “niche” for her keynote addresses and seminars, her audiences have grown to include cattlemen, contractors, and corporate America.
LeAnn Thieman, Speaker Hall of Fame, Nurse, Author
Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Nurse’s Soul, Chicken Soup for the Nurse’s Soul, Second Dose and 8 more titles including Chicken Soup for the Caregiver’s, Grandma’s, Mother and Son, Father and Daughter, Christian Woman, Christian 2, Catholic, Adopted Soul, plus, Balancing Life in Your “War Zones, a Guide to Physical, Mental and Spiritual Health.

To order personalized copies or to get more information about my presentations for nurse recruitment and retention and life balance, see my websites at and


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