Research Center REACH

$2million, 4-year Impact Grants exploring HIV persistence and eradication – RFP


Request for Proposals: Impact Grants exploring HIV persistence and eradication

Portal Request Form Deadline: Friday, February 27, 2015, 3:00 PM ET

Letter of Intent Submission Deadline: Tuesday, March 3, 2015, 3:00 PM ET

amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, is pleased to announce the availability of funding to support research relevant to exploring HIV persistence and the potential for HIV eradication.

Total Cost Maximum: $2,000,000

Performance Period: 4 years (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2019)

amfAR has established a new funding mechanism known as Impact Grants to support the in-depth development of concepts where preliminary data have indicated genuine promise in curing HIV. Impact Grants are conducted over a four-year funding period and should include basic, animal and clinical (in vivo or ex vivo) research, and collaborations with other institutions. Impact Grants aim to directly inform clinical efforts to safely eliminate or control latent/persistent HIV reservoirs. Priority will be given to projects with a clear pathway to development of an implementable intervention in humans.

Click here to view the complete RFP.

Submission Requirements

Submission of Letters of Intent and applications is conducted via an online portal. To obtain a username and password, grantapps:

Log-in credentials should not be shared with others. A separate form request must be sent for each potential applicant.

You must request log-in credentials no later than 3:00 PM ET on Friday, February 27, 2015.


Principal investigators:

  • Must hold a doctoral-level degree
  • Must hold a faculty-level position
  • Must be affiliated with the applicant institution
  • The principal investigator will be expected to coordinate the development, implementation and analysis of the collaboration as a whole, and be responsible for overall financial management and the preparation and submission of required reports.

Institutions: Applications are accepted from nonprofit research institutions worldwide; applications are not accepted from individuals or for-profit entities. However, research teams may include members from, and budgets may include subcontracts or subawards to, for-profit entities.

Please feel free to forward this information to colleagues who may be interested in this funding opportunity

If you have any questions, please e-mail grantapps.


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