Research Center REACH



The 1st International Nursing and Health Sciences Student (INHSS) Conference is a two days conference that will provide opportunities for health professionals, academicians including students as well as health practitioners to address the latest knowledge and research, in order to understand better about current issues in nursing and health sciences areas as well as sharing experiences how to utilize research results in health care setting to provide best possible care for our community.
The conference is designed to address health problems and issues related to nursing, midwifery, medical, public health and any other related health science disciplines. This conference also gives opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate nursing and health sciences students to disseminate their research in their expertise.
The 1st International Nursing and Health Sciences Student Conference 2011 is the first conference in Indonesia that accommodate nursing and health sciences students to disseminate their research and building networking between colleagues locally and internationally. Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University is delighted to be hosting this 1st INHSS Conference and welcome all participants from all over the world. It gives us great pleasure to extend this invitation to you to attend this conference and actively participate in this exciting and important program.
Call for abstract is now open until 28 March 2011. Please submit your abstract using the abstract form guidelines to
The Conference Scientific Committee is calling for abstracts. Contributions to the conference should relate to the conference title, theme and focus on one of six sub-themes:
Emergency and acute care
Maternal, child and women’s health
Community and family health
Gerontology and mental health
Palliative care
Education and workforce

Instructions for abstract submission

The abstract submission website will be opened on 15 December 2010 with the closing date for submission of abstracts is 4 March 2011.

The following points should be noted:

Abstracts should be brief (a maximum of 400 words excluding the title) and must focus on one of the five major conference themes.
Authors must provide, in the relevant abstract submission fields, the abstract title (titles should be brief and reflect the content of the abstract), preferred presentation type, names of author(s) and contact details of presenters (please refer to abstract form). Please ensure that all reference to author name(s) and organizations are excluded from the abstract, as blind reviews will be undertaken.
Abstracts should be structured to include:
– An introductory sentence indicating the purpose of the presentation

– A brief description of pertinent research or other method(s) adopted

– A summary of new, unpublished data and/or other relevant facts and solutions

– A conclusion.

Abstracts should contain text only. Please do not include diagrams, illustrations, tables, references or graphics.
Only standard abbreviations should be used in abstracts, and these should be kept to a minimum.
Presenters must register for the conference to be eligible to present. Speakers will not be published in the conference program until they have registered and paid in full.
A limit of two abstract submissions per presenting person will apply.

The INHSS Conference Scientific Committee reserves the right to:

Reject abstracts which do not include sufficient information
Allocate abstracts to poster or podium presentations as necessary.
To submit your abstract please save it as “INHSS2011 abstract Your Surname” (i.e. INHSS2011abstractKadar) in Rich Text Format or Word and email to by 04 March 2011. You will be notified of your paper being received within 5 days and will be notified the result of the review process by 18 March 2011.

Criteria for evaluation of submissions

The INHSS Conference Scientific Review Committee will review submissions and rate abstracts according to the following criteria:

Conference aim
Does the abstract support the aim of the conference and contribute to professional discussion related to one of the conference streams?

Overall quality
Is the quality of the abstract of a professional standard?

Contribution to scholarship
Does the abstract contribute to scholarly nursing practice, research and/or theory?

Abstract format
Is the abstract structured as requested?

a. Full paper

Guidelines full paper submission

Note: papers that do not conform to these guidelines (including referencing guidelines) will not be accepted.

General requirements:

Your written paper should be between 1800 and 2000 words and not exceed 5 A4 pages, using the formatting below and including references, tables, figures and abstract.
All text therein should be in Times New Roman 12 pt font (excluding title which is 14pt).
Single line spacing is required.
Top and bottom=2.54 cm (Word default)
Left and right=2.54 cm (Word default)
All text (excluding headings) should be justified.
Include figures and tables within the text.

Handy tips:

Use conventional academic style language and grammar e.g. do not use “n’t” – that is, write “would not” rather than “wouldn’t”
Keep the style clear and simple and avoid (or at least briefly define) jargon or specialist terminology

Fonts and headings:

Title of paper – 14pt capitals, bold, centered, blank line below
Author’s name – Sentence case, centered, bold, blank line below
Author’s Faculty or Centre and University – Sentence case, italics, centered, blank line below
No more than 3 levels of headings
– Heading 1
You must include headings at this level and suggested headings are provided below.

Sentence case, aligned left bold, blank line above.

– Heading 2

Not necessary (i.e. only include if required)

Sentence case, aligned left, italics and underline, blank line above.

– Heading 3

Not necessary (only include if required)

Sentence case, italics, justified (part of paragraph)

Main headings:

Please use the following headings (or approximations):

Your abstract should be no more than 250 words.

Briefly outline your research question, the relevant background and why it is important.

Outline the methods you have used/will use (e.g. participant observation, semi-structured interview, survey, content analysis, etc) including participants and how theywere recruited, independent and dependent variables etc. Describe the issues you have faced or anticipate facing (if any) and how these will be resolved.

Results to Date (if any)
Implications for policy and practice
Emphasize the impact, or potential impact, of your research. Provide evidence of cross?disciplinary links and/or relevance where appropriate.



Use standard referencing format (e.g.: Harvard or Vancouver).

Limit number of references to 15.

If you are writing a literature review or systematic review, you are able to have as many references as you require.

To submit your paper please save it as “INHSS2011 Full Paper Your Surname” (i.e. INHSS2011 Full Paper Kadar) in Rich Text Format or Word and email to by 20 March 2011.
You will be notified of your paper being received within 5 days.
You will be notified your full paper acceptance by 30 March 2011.
You will be notified of the final version by 15 April 2011


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