Research Center REACH

Indonesian nurses’ perception of disaster management preparedness


Martono M, Nursalam N, Satino S, Efendi F, Bushy A, (2018). Indonesian nurses’ perception of disaster management preparedness, Chinese Journal of Traumatology, https://

Purpose: Using a quantitative approach, this study aims to assess Indonesian nurses’ perception of their knowledge, skills, and preparedness regarding disaster management. Methods: This study was a descriptive comparison in design. The research samples are Indonesian nurses working in medical service and educational institutions. The variable of nurses’ preparedness to cope with disaster victims was measured using the Disaster Preparedness Evaluation Tool (DPET), which was electronically distributed to all nurses in Indonesia. Data were analyzed using a statistical  descriptive one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and t-test with a significance level of 95%. Results: In total, 1341 Indonesian nurses completed this survey. The average scores of preparedness
to cope with disasters, the ability to recover from disaster, and evaluation of disaster were 3.13, 2.53, and 2.46, respectively. In general, nurses surveyed in this study are less prepared for disasters, and do not understand their roles both during the phase of disaster preparedness, and when coping with a post disaster situation. Conclusion: Nurses’ preparedness and understanding of their roles in coping with disasters are still low. Therefore, their capacity in preparedness, responses, recovery, and evaluation of disasters needs improvement through continuing education. The efforts needed are significant due to potential disasters in Indonesia and adequate nurses resources.
Keywords: Disasters; Knowledge; Nurses; Preparedness

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