Bakar, Abu., Nursalam, Nursalam., Adriani, Merryana., Kusnanto, Kusnanto., Qomariah, Siti Nur., Efendi, Ferry. (2018). The Development of Islamic Caring Model to Improve Psychospiritual Comfort of Coronary Disease Patients. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, October 2018, Vol. 9, No. 10.
Objectives: Caring is the essence of the nursing process delivered by nurses in diverse cultural settings exceptionally is Islamic caring. This research aims to develop an Islamic caring model for the psychospiritual comfort of coronary disease patients. Method: The research method used was analytic observational with a cross-sectional design. This research recruited 70 clients from the population of the heart disease patients in three Islamic hospitals by using simple random sampling. Data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Results: The research showed that there were influences from the nursing and service factors towards Islamic caring with a value of t= 7.79; 2.06. There was influence from Islamic caring towards psychospiritual comfort with a value of t= 2.85. Conclusions: The Islamic caring model is a nurse’s behavior that emphasizes Islamic values that include the characteristics of maintaining confidence, compassion, and competence to enhance the patients’ psychospiritual comfort.
Keywords: Coronary disease; Caring; Islam; Psychology; Spirituality.
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