Research Center REACH

The Correlation between the Quality of nursing Work life and Job Performance


Nursalam, Nursalam., Fardiana, Amalia., Asmoro, Candra Panji., Fadhillah, Harif., Efendi, Ferry. (2018). The Correlation between the Quality of nursing Work life and Job Performance. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, October 2018, Vol. 9, No. 10.


Introduction: Nurses are one of the most important health workers who contribute to determining the quality of health services. Giving more attention to their condition and needs will increase their loyalty to the nursing profession, which will lead to a positive impact on their work performance. Therefore, this study aimed to analyse the correlation between the individual factors and the nurse’s performance, and also to see if there was a correlation between QNWL and the nurse’s performance. Method: The design of the study was a correlational research study with a cross-sectional approach. The sample consisted of 106 nurses, collected by simple random sampling. The independent variables were individual factors (education and length of work), and QNWL. The dependent variable was job performance. The data was collected by using questionnaires analysed using multiple linear regression with (p<0,05) degree of significance. Result and Analysis: The results showed that there was a correlation between education and the nurses’ performance (p=0,035), and also a correlation between QNWL and nurses’ performance (p=0,000). The length of time they’d been working was not influenced by the nurses’ performance (p=0,103). Discussion: The individual factors of education and QNWL had an impact on the nurses’ performance. It is suggested for the next researcher to analyse other significance factors that influence QNWL.

Keywords: Nurses, Job Performance, Individual factors, Education, Length of work, QNWL

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