Research Center REACH

Analysis of the Survival of Children Under Five in Indonesia and Associated Factors


To cite this article: Annisa Nur Islami Warrohmah, Sarni Maniar Berliana, Nursalam, Ferry Efendi, Joni Haryanto, Eka Misbahatul M Has, Elida Ulfiana, Sylvia Dwi Wahyuni: Analysis of the Survival of Children Under Five in Indonesia and Associated Factors

Abstract: The under-five mortality rate (U5MR) remains a challenge for developing nations, including Indonesia. This study aims to assess the key factors associated with mortality of Indonesian infants using survival analysis. Data taken from 14,727 live-born infants (2007–2012) was examined from the nationally representative Indonesian Demographic Health Survey. The Weibull hazard model was performed to analyse the socioeconomic status and related determinants of infant mortality. The findings indicated that mother factors (education, working status, autonomy, economic status, maternal age at birth, birth interval, type of births, complications, history of previous mortality, breastfeeding, antenatal care and place of delivery); infant factors (birth size); residence; and environmental conditions were associated with the childhood mortality. Rural or urban residence was an important
determining factor of infant mortality. For example, considering the factor of a mother’s education, rural educated mothers had a significant association with the survival of their infants. In contrast, there was no significant association between urban educated mothers and their infants’ mortality. The results showed obvious contextual differences which determine the childhood mortality. Socio-demographic and economic factors remain critical in determining the death of infants. This study provides evidence for designing targeted interventions, as well as suggesting specific needs based on the population’s place of residence, in the issue of U5MR. Further interventions should also consider other identified variables while developing programmes to address infant’s needs. Keywords: survival analysis, infant’s mortality, Indonesian DHS

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