Research Center REACH

The Lived Experiences of Indonesian Nurses Who Worked as Care Workers in Taiwan


The Lived Experiences of Indonesian Nurses Who Worked as Care Workers in Taiwan

Nursalam NURSALAM1* • Ching-Min CHEN2 • Ferry EFENDI3 • Eka Misbahatul Mar’ah HAS4 • Laily HIDAYATI5 • Setho HADISUYATMANA6


Background: Despite the large number of Indonesian nurses currentlyworkingasmigrantcareworkersinTaiwan,nostudies intheliteraturehavebeenfoundthatexplorethisphenomenon orassesstheworkingsituationofIndonesiannursesworkingin care facilities in Taiwan. Purpose:ThisstudyaimedtoelicitanddescribethelivedexperiencesofIndonesiannursesservingascareworkersinTaiwan. Methods:Phenomenologicalresearchwasusedtoexplorethe experiencesofIndonesiannursesworkinginlong-term carefacilities. The participants were recruited from care facilities in Taiwan. This study utilized semistructured interviews conducted with 16 Indonesian nurses in a suitable setting. All of the interviews were transcribed, and the work of Van Manen was used to analyze the data. Results: Four main themes were identified, including motives for working abroad, feelings of being trapped, experiencing a difficult journey, and the feeling of being supported. These themes reflect the lived experiences of Indonesian nurses who work in Taiwan’s long-term care industry. Conclusions: Nurses from Indonesia choose to who work as nurses in Taiwan because of poor financial background and the chance of gaining a better life. However, the participants in this study felt stressed, challenged, and disappointed when faced with the unmet expectations of being employed as care workers without a clear career path. Furthermore, the need to communicateinanunfamiliarlanguagewasmentionedasasignificantbarriertofulfillingtheirrole.Betterpoliciesshouldbeput in place to achieve improved outcomes for both countries.


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