Research Center REACH

Mencari kandidat agarose terbaik dari genus Gracilaria, Eucheuma, Gelidium dan merk lokal (Searching for the best agarose candidate from genus Gracilaria, Eucheuma, Gelidium and local brands)

Sitasi: Efendi, F., Handajani, R., & Nursalam, N. (2015). Searching for the best agarose candidate from genus Gracilaria, Eucheuma, Gelidium and local brands. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine5(10), 865-869.

Tujuan: Mengeksplorasi potensi agar-agar lokal dari genus Gracilaria, Eucheuma, Gelidium dan merek lokal sebagai alternatif agarosa impor untuk elektroforesis DNA, dan menguji kemampuannya terkait pemisahan dan migrasi fragmen DNA dalam elektroforesis DNA. Metode: Penampilannya pada berbagai konsentrasi dibandingkan melalui studi eksperimental dengan merek tertentu agarosa komersial impor yang digunakan dalam penelitian biologi molekuler. Variabel yang diukur adalah pemisahan dan migrasi selama elektroforesis fragmen DNA. Hasil: Agar genus lokal Gracilaria gigas, Gelidium, merek “B” dan merek “S” dapat memisahkan fragmen DNA pada konsentrasi antara 1% dan 2%, dengan konsentrasi optimum 2% b / v, sebaik spesifik merek agarose komersial impor. Kesimpulan: Kinerja mereka sangat mirip dengan agarosa komersial dan masih dapat ditingkatkan dengan pemurnian agar lebih lanjut serta dengan pH dan kontrol sulfur. © 2015 Universitas Kedokteran Hainan.

Searching for the best agarose candidate from genus Gracilaria, Eucheuma, Gelidium and local brands



To explore the potential of local agar of genus GracilariaEucheumaGelidium and local brands as an alternative for imported agarose for DNA electrophoresis, and to examine their ability related to separation and migration of DNA fragments in DNA electrophoresis.


Their performance at various concentrations were compared via an experimental study with a specific brand of imported commercial agarose used in molecular biology research. The measured variables were separation and migration during electrophoresis of a DNA fragment.


The local agar genus Gracilaria gigasGelidium, brand “B” and brand “S” could separate DNA fragments at a concentration between 1% and 2%, with an optimum concentration of 2% w/v, as good as a specific brand of imported commercial agarose.


Their performance were very close to that of commercial agarose and can still be improved by further agar purification as well as by pH and sulfur control.


Local brands
Indonesia agar
[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”agarose gel indonesia.pdf” icon=”” width=”100%” height=”400″ style=”embed”]
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